Monday, April 27, 2009


Suddenly spring (summer?!) has sprung upon us and this mama is frantically searching through boxes of clothing for season-appropriate apparel for my children. It seems everyone has gaping holes this year, in spite of my best efforts to hang onto good hand-me-downs. (I just want to know who stole all our shorts!)

I pawed through the box of children's shoes in the kids' closet this morning, desperate for something for Aubrey to wear on our excursion to the park besides her brown T-straps. (How do I not even have a pair of sneakers for the poor baby?) The sandals Bronwyn wore at Aubrey's age are size 5s and absolutely huge on her. They were laughable, actually.

So I crammed her cute feet in the sandals Bronwyn wore when she was a year old: size 2 sandals from Walmart. Thank goodness that three years ago I was in too much of a rush to look for closed-toe shoes!

But such scrumptious little toes, don't you think?!



  1. Don't worry, if your weather is following the same pattern as ours it will cool down in a day or two. It was wonderful while it lasted though. Have fun at the park!

  2. I sort of wished you had brought those scrumptious toes with you tonight.
    But, I know it's too late.
    And I'm really glad you came.
    We need a good 5-6 more hours of chatting, at least!

  3. @LisaMCriscitello - It was so great. I definitely need to come over sometime with the kids, though.  They're always bummed when they hear I've been at your house without them!And tell Eric I'm still thinking about that smoothie. Awesome!

  4. So cute!  Riley's toes are soon going to look like that in his size 5 sandals.  He has good chunky BOY feet!  

  5. I'm still trying to get over the fact that I handed down all Hannah's summer clothes by accident  just a couple of weeks ago.  Now I have to buy for her.  I have to get our bins down and PRAY that I left some stuff behind in the bins!

  6. i love baby feet=) estelles are tiny (compared to the boys!)- she can't fit any of the sandals i bought for this summer, they fall off they're so big. maybe her feet will catch up with the rest of her body:)
