Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Food fun

With each of our children, there has been some point when they are a toddler (usually between 15 and 18 months) when we have an all-out battle over food. You know: they don't want to eat something, but as the parent you know they have to learn to eat their vegetables and protein in order to be healthy, so you make them sit there in the highchair until they eat the single measly bite of food.

We have yet to have The Battle with Aubrey. This is mostly because she has been so much happier nursing than eating solids that I haven't felt much concern over whether or not she's getting a balanced diet. Breastmilk is, after all, the perfect food, right?

Well, that's all changing. In the last 2-3 weeks I have realized that my milk supply is way down. Although Aubrey is still begging to nurse every 1-2 hours throughout the day, she's maybe getting a tablespoon or two of breastmilk at a time. Nursing is definitely a comfort thing more than a nutrition thing. And I'm fine with that, except that now I do feel the need to make sure she is eating more than just a saltine cracker for lunch.

This girl is the pickiest eater in our house, to say the least (although I have met kids who are even pickier than she is, that's for sure). She hates pretty much all the typical toddler-hate foods, but her dislikes extend far beyond what's normal. The grapes I had to ration with my other toddlers to make sure they didn't end up with a terrible bout of diarrhea and a horrid diaper rash? Yeah... she chews them and then spits them out because she likes the flavor but hates the texture.

Strawberries, no.
Bananas, depends on her mood.
Raisins, disgusting.
Any-flavor-but-vanilla yogurt, rejected.
Green beans, nope.
Potatoes, blech.
Chicken, how dare you?
Broccoli, I'm so offended!
Granola, too chewy.
Cheese, too squishy.
Baby carrots, too crunchy.

And on and on it goes.

Fortunately, she likes peanut butter and jelly. So long as it's not on homemade bread. Go figure.

And she likes to suck salsa off tortilla chips. That's normal.

Now, at dinner she does pretty well. This is because she will eat a lot more variety of foods if she can sit on Daniel's lap and be fed by him. For some reason, Daddy's allowed to feed her food, but she is far less agreeable toward me. Maybe it's because she thinks I ought to be providing her more of the milk she loves and is probably wondering what's happened to!

The problems come at breakfast and lunch (and when she wants a snack) when Daddy's not home.

Yeah... have I mentioned yet that my youngest daughter is showing signs of being quite choleric and extremely strong-willed-- or that I'm not a bit choleric myself? Yikes!


  1. I can relate. Mara is awful I worry sometimes, and she is sooo strong willed and stubborn. It's difficult to MAKE her eat. Honestly, she usually goes hungry at dinner, and has to wait for a small bedtime snack. Oh well. But I make sure she drinks her whole milk every day, to keep some meat on her.

  2. whew -and I was beginning to think Cole was bad!  *grin*  Then again, he is up and down as well -and wants to nurse wayyyyy more than I want him to at this point.  Keep me posted on things that she does like since I am trying anything with him too!

  3. Your title cracks me up...
    "Food Fun". ha!
    Libby is a total foodie. She eats anything and everything.
    She only has 2 tiny teeth, so let's be real. I have to mince up everything into microscopic bits...but if it's a big people food- she loves it.
    I'm waiting for the day she rejects something. It's just not happenin'.
    Maybe I should have her give Aubrey a call to tell her what she's missing!

  4. @LisaMCriscitello - Libby sounds like Bronwyn. I think last summer eating zucchini was the first time Bronwyn told me she didn't like something.  I was shocked to hear the words come out of her mouth!Aubrey likes to reserve her digestive system for cupcakes, cookies, ice cream, and candy.  Nice, huh?!?!

  5. @StraderMom - The most frustrating thing with Aubrey is that every once in a while I'll think I've discovered something nutritious that she'll actually eat, but after a couple days she starts rejecting it.  The only things she doesn't seem to get tired of are sweets, cereals, and vanilla yogurt!

  6. That is tough!  Eleora is doing pretty good so far with eating, but there is a big problem with one of her dislikes - PB&J!!!! I know.  Terrible.  I eat this just about every day for lunch (partially to save money and mostly because I like it so much!), so her not liking it really stinks!  She does like the PB all by itself though, so maybe there is hope!
    P.S.  I love the Easter pictures!  The yellow and blue outfits are great.  Easter Sunday is the best!  Can't wait to see you all this weekend!

  7. I can understand the temperment....I like to think of my little Hannah as "spirited".  The other term we use is "fire in the bones"'s just a matter of not letting it become a wild fire!  I just remind myself that God will do great things with her one day!  It is amazing to me how children from the same parents can be so very different! 
    Wonder if Aubrey would go for smoothies????  There is a cook book on how to "hide" veggies in yummy food - like brownies for instance!  I know there is a recipe for sweet potatoe pancakes!  It was by Seinfield's wife...but I can't remember the name of it.

  8. @EJTrelease - Jen, I'm going to comment here because I heard you called but I can't  seem to locate your phone # (Daniel isn't home and I think the only place we have it is on his cell):  we are definitely looking forward to seeing you!  Unfortunately, Saturday is pretty packed for us with presbytery meetings at 57 in the afternoon and evening.  So I think we'll just have to catch up Sunday!

  9. @aagans - Smoothies are actually a fantastic idea!  I don't know why I didn't think of that sooner!   I bet she'll go for it, since it's often texture she rejects and smoothies are... well... smooth!
