Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Sunday

We love Easter Sunday around here. Ask my children and they'll tell you: It's the best day of the year!

And now I get to share bits and pieces of our special day through pictures:

beginning the day with the victorious conclusion of Jesus' death!
(and, yes, Aubrey was awake, but she prefers to roam rather than sit)

Easter basket spoils.

Aubrey showing off her shoes-- her favorite part of any outfit!

Bronwyn was in love with her outfit.

three very cute kids.

and the proof of why we didn't really try to get all 4 kids in 1 picture!

my favorite worship leader leading my favorite worship service of the year.

Aubrey loves to "pretend" going to sleep.
you know... until it's actually time to go to sleep!

the crowd we shared Easter dinner with at Mom & Dad's

the kids' favorite thing to do at Nana's is drawing;
after the crowd dispersed, they got down to it.

all of us, thanks to Dad's photography skills


  1. Wow! Is Aubrey really as big as she looks? How wonderful, after such a start in life!You are a beautiful family!

  2. @Slatemaster - Yes, she is doing so well!!!  Last month when the home healthcare nurse was here, Aubrey weighed 19lbs and was 28.5" tall.  She is growing steadily and consistently and the cardiologists are "pleasantly puzzled," in the words of Aubrey's local doctor.  What a testimony to God's goodness!

  3. "Pretend" going to sleep. Wow. Could she GET any cuter?
    They're all precious.
    And so are YOU!

  4. Ok, so I don't ever want to hear another comment about my kids being perfectly coordinated again!  This takes coordination to a whole new level!
    I'll have to show these to Joel in the morning.  He'll be so excited to see that Gabriel has Narnia action figures too (if I'm not mistaken?).  Joel received his for his birthday, we've got a stash in the basement and we've been on the hunt for Susan & Reepicheep since Christmas.

  5. Oh so cute!! And I LOVE that Bronwyn liked her outfit! It's too much fun to watch a little girl who's in love with her twirly dress!  :)

  6. The dress that Bronwyn is wearing is the same one that my girls wore last Easter!
    Your crew looks so adorable. So coordinating and pretty/handsome. I love the yellow and blue!
    It looks like the day was very nice.

  7. Oh my word! The one of the three by the window is classic, it looks posed for a magazine. The one with Aubrey added is cute too... don't get me wrong, but well, she definitely adds a more normal little kid approach to most pictures!! :) You guys all look great!

  8. Wow! I love all your outfits! I always look forward to seeing your family's Easter outfits every year.

  9. @michelleross - You're on to me, Shell:  I bought all these clothes last year during the after-Easter clearance!

  10. Very Cute!!  We skipped out on the outfits this year.  We had Easter at home with lots of family!  We did our own little service and wore jammies all day.  It was relaxing.  

  11. What great pictures.  Thanks for sharing them.  I wish I could have been there and here.
