Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Post-election thoughts

I'm not reeling from the results of yesterday's election-- after all, the outcome was rather expected-- but I must say I'm disappointed that the people of America have spoken and so clearly stated that the sanctity of life is not of utmost importance to them. While I fully realize that the end of abortion will not be achieved through laws or governmental regulation (I believe the Gospel alone can accomplish this), I still mourn the fact that our nation condones and funds this atrocity. My one consolation is that God will judge us (is judging us?-- I'll save that for another time and day) as a people so that, in His kindness, we are brought to repentance.

Last night, as I snuggled Aubrey in bed during the wee hours, I held her a little closer than usual. Tears wet my cheeks as I wondered how God must feel about a people who don't protect the smallest and most defenseless among us. It is a sorrowful thought and the only comfort for it is found at the foot of the Cross.

I am not discouraged, however. No, today I am strengthened in conviction and resolve and I'm encouraged that Jesus is ever drawing people unto Himself. As Dad said this morning, "We just have to save one baby at a time." And that is precisely what we will do. I don't know what the cost of following Christ will be in the coming years, but I will keep putting one foot in front of the next, taking steps of obedience and praying daily that He will ever soften my heart to His truth and ways.

In the end, though yesterday was a monumental day in many ways for our nation (some of it good, most of it bad), in the scope of history and eternity it was but a drop in the bucket. Kingdoms and nations come and go, but Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. What consolation! what eternal hope! what blessed assurance there is in His faithfulness.


  1. Amen!! Oh how I feel the same way... while holding Elisha last night I just prayed and mourned for the millions of babies that will never have a chance to live one day! 

  2. Wise words. I've been unsure of how to feel about everything, but in the end...your words have touched the important things to cling to. Thanks for sharing:)

  3. He is still on the throne, He is still deserving of our praise, He still answers prayers and He is in control until He returns. He sees the beginning and the End! We need to continue to pray
    for our leader's.

  4. Yes!  He is faithful and we do have an eternal hope!  Thank you Jesus!

  5. I went in and snuggled my kiddos extra close, last night, too. It's very sad that so many people would prefer that their fleshly desires would be fulfilled, at the cost of another's life. I also have issues with the term 'women's rights'. But, that's a story for another day.  ;)I was also thinking about Aubrey, Maygen, Avery, Riley and Stephen (Ludlam) last night and said a prayer for each of these precious children. They are all blessings and I am thankful for each one of these miracle kids. 

  6. Couldn't agree more.I'm going to link to this post.p.s. FPU ROCKS!!
