Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Cabinets, check!

The cabinets and countertop are installed. Amazing! Between this morning and last night, the empty space took on the shape of a kitchen-- an absolutely beautiful one, at that! Now I am very excited to get the flooring in so I can see how it will all work together.

I wish the pictures I have could capture how big and lovely the cabinets are, but they just aren't doing justice. (Perhaps my lack of photography skills have much everything to do with this!) The room looks entirely different than before. It doesn't even feel like my house because it is such a dramatic transformation. I love, love, love it!

When you first enter the kitchen from the dining room:

The "range" wall:

The freestanding hutch immediately to your right as you enter from the dining room, a custom 30" tall for easy baking (my plate rack will hang above):

Another view from the family room, including the dining room doorway:

A close-up of some upper cabinets and trim:

I am dying to get over there and start moving my things in. First on the agenda, though: an exciting ten-day trip to Pittsburgh. Then when we get home, most-- if not all-- of the new family room should be completed and the house will be ready for a thorough cleaning (can anyone say Sheetrock Dust???) and moving in.



  1. What a beautiful kitchen you have! I'm very jealous, to say the least! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I can't IMAGINE how eager you are to get into that kitchen! I can't believe that's your house!! How amazing and fun!

  3. They look amazing - I cannot wait to see them in person =)

  4. Wow!! The transformation is amazing especially considering how quickly it all came together!  It's really looking fantastic.  Just love the cupboards!

  5. Lovely!  It looks like you have a great installer--Go Eric!  

  6. Yeah!!  Oh Brietta, it looks just beautiful.  Bet you cant wait to get in there and use it!  Thanks for posting the pics -it is really fun to see it happening along with you.

  7. Breeze - let me know when you are going to go over and start moving stuff in! I would love to come help. I need all the practice of organizing that I can get!beanz

  8. WOW!  That looks incredible!  How exciting!  You did a great job picking out the colors.  Our cabinets arrive the first week of December.  I can't wait!  We're trying to decide which kind of counter top to get.  What do you have there?  We're looking at the Corian partially because we get a free sink, BUT some people say, you have to be careful to always pour cold water when you go to drain your pasta and such so it doesn't crack.  Knowing my luck, I would forget.  The guy at Lowe's was trying to talk us out of a laminate counter top because if it gets scratched, you can't buff it out?  But how easy is it to scratch a countertop?  Do you have any advice about all this stuff?

  9. Horray!  I remember when Eric put our kitchen in.  It is such a HUGE transformation in just a few hours.  I love it!  Someday I will see it in person... sigh....

  10. @EJTrelease - The sinks I've heard the most favorable reviews about are either granite composite or stainless steel.  Different people have varying opinions about which of those is better based on what they think is most important in a sink, but overall I got lots of pointers to buy either of those.  The guy who did our cabinets said he can't really recommend Corian anything (sink, countertop, etc.) because when it scratches, you have to have it professionally cared for, whereas granite you can just take a little sanding paper and rub the scratch right out.  People who didn't care for granite sinks usually did so because they said they broke a lot of dishes in it, but others said they never have a problem with that... so... I guess you just have to figure out what you think will be easiest for you!  We personally went with stainless steel both because it's cost effective and because it's practically indestructable. We have a new kind of laminate countertop.  It's designed to look and feel more like granite (without the cost!) and supposedly lasts about 2x as long as standard laminate.  I've never heard the thing about laminate scratching; mostly I don't like the fact that it isn't heat resistant.  I would have gone with granite countertop if we could have afforded it, but granite was 3x as expensive and we had to cut corners (no pun intended!) somewhere.  Eric, the guy who did our cabinets and countertop, did a beveled edge on the countertop so you can't see a seam, which gives it a very clean "granite-like" look.Let me know if that helps any or if you want more specific feedback!

  11. I like the green!  Once everything is in, I'm sure it will look less bright to you...although I think the pics are great.  I was so nervous when our dining room was being painted.  But now with the chair rail and furniture, I really like how it looks.  See ya soon...real soon! 

  12. I absolutely love how your house is coming along!!!  What a blessing to be able to do it!!!  Congratulations!  Enjoy both the trip and then coming home to set up new kitchen!

  13. When are you going to PA?  I'm coming to Potsdam Saturday early evening.  Last minute plans are the Sundaramurthy way.

  14. It looks awesome!! I love the style of the cabinets! Eric has done great work!
    I'll second Sarah's comment:
    See you soon!!! Yeah:)

  15. @A_Sundaramurthy - We're leaving tomorrow afternoon.  I'm so bummed that we won't cross paths.  Really. 

  16. love the colors!
    everything looks so RICH!!
