Tuesday, June 26, 2007


:: From the couple e-mails I've received and the handful of phone calls, the team in Spain sounds to be doing wonderfully. I've no doubt they've been an incredible blessing to a Church in Spain that is in many ways needing breakthrough. They're a pretty awesome team, after all...

Still, I'm ready for them to come home. I've been fine with them being gone, but yesterday (day #11 of their trip) the 3-week trip started to feel long.

:: Dad's Sunday morning sermons of late have continued on the theme of recovering Biblical manhood and womanhood. It's been an  amazing series and I wake up every Sunday morning anxious to get to the sermon so I can hear more. (On that note, if you haven't been there, I urge you to order CDs.) And as he's looked into Biblical manhood a lot the last couple weeks, my appreciation for Daniel has only grown deeper.

If there's one thing Daniel is, it's responsible. He is not afraid to carry the burden of himself, me, our children, and the Church, both local and worldwide. He is quick to apologize when wrong. He is not one to sit back and criticize the efforts of others. He is deeply involved-- emotionally, physically, and spiritually-- in every sphere of influence God has given him. He works hard.

I'm very thankful for Daniel; for his leadership, care, love, and call.

:: Gabriel has been playing so hard since we've come to my parents'. He literally is on the go with Uncle Merrick from the moment he jumps out of bed until he returns to bed at night-- unless I stop him at some point and require that he sit with a book for a while. He is loving it and I am glad to see him enjoying playtime so much, since playing is not naturally Gabriel's forte.

:: Each day, Bronwyn runs after the boys for a while before tiring out and coming back to be with me. As energetic and fun-loving as my daughter is, she also loves sitting and reading a book or watching a Little Bear video. And she cannot survive without a nap. Trust me on that one.

Every morning for the last week, Bronwyn's diaper has been dry when I change and dress her for the day. This is the last sign of "potty training readiness" I've been waiting for and now I'm wondering (again) if perhaps she is ready to try with success. After having pushed her twice to get potty trained only to realize that my motivation was entirely selfish and not centered around what is best for her, I am hesitant to force the issue. Still, the consistently dry morning diapers sure do seem to indicate potty training...

:: Jackson got his first hair cut yesterday. Yes, it has taken me this long to get around to trimming it, especially since his hair has grown so much slower than Gabriel or Bronwyn's ever did. I can't bear to lose the baby look that the wispy, baby hair gives. Fortunately, Carina did the trimming and she managed to get rid of the hair in his eyes, over his ears, and on his neck without having him actually look as though he's had a hair cut. I am so pleased with the results. He still looks like the baby I like to think of him as!

In true Jackson style, he is now amazing us all with his speech patterns. He refuses to talk for the most part, but will pull out a word that astounds us when he wants something badly enough. I mean, how many children can claim "hamburger" as one of their first words?!

:: I continue to feel pretty good, for the most part. Unfortunately, I am either coming down with a sinus infection or am suffering from allergies for the first time in my life. Either way, I feel wiped out when I wake up and I have been dragging myself through the days. It isn't pleasant-- but it's also not the stomach bug, which I must be grateful for. There's nothing I hate more than throwing up.

The belly's looking decidedly pregnant these days. The baby's also moving a lot; I can now see her little bum pushing out at various times and it's pretty cute, I must say. My next appointment is in a week and I will be scheduled for an ultrasound then, since it will have been 6 weeks at that point since my last one. Besides wondering how things are going with the subchorionic hematome, I'm also anxious to get confirmation that she is really a she. Would you know that after 3 ultrasounds and 4 different technicians/radiologists telling me the baby is a girl, I'm still wondering?

I told you I tend toward skepticism.

:: Today and tomorrow we are predicted to reach highs of 92*, which inevitably means significant humidity, too. We just don't get hot, dry weather around here. I am tempted to complain (after all, summer is my least favorite season), except that last year we had days of high 90s that felt like 105-110*. I'll take this instead of that, thank you very much.

:: My list of people to invite over for dinner and to visit with is growing, as I'm now forming plans to make up for the past months of not being able to host or get out much. The only problem is figuring out where to start! At this point, I could probably schedule guests until the end of the year, except that it feels weird to already invite someone over for dinner in November, you know?

All in all, I'm looking forward to taking full charge of things on the homefront again, including hospitality. Finding mealtimes when we will all be home is the most challenging part of inviting people over, since Daniel's evening schedule is typically his busiest, but I am determined to be creative.


  1. I have been having sinus troubles, too. I have read that pregnancy can cause excessive stuffiness, which can lead to more sinus troubles....I just never really noticed much before, since I was always pregnant during the winter months when I sort of take it for granted that I will be stuffy a lot. I think the huge pressure changes that come with summer weather and increased blood volume may have something to do with it, too, since a change in the weather always seems to make things worse. We are having some really warm days here this week, too, but by Thursday, it is supposed to be down to the 70's....hopefully, that weather will make it your way, too.

  2. Can I just take the moment to say that I have loved having you and the kids here. Absolutely loved it! I, too, am missing the Spain team, but I will be sad to see you all go. When can we do this again - with Daniel in tow as well?

  3. I remember getting Logan's first hair cut.  I waited as long as possible for the same reasons.  They just look like toddlers instead of babies with the first little snips of the sciccors.  Cant' wait to see pictures!!

  4. first, i can't wait to see you and your pregnant little belly.
    second, jackson can say the words "hamburger"?!  your kids are remarkable.
    third, i keep thinking about being able to stop by your little house in a few months.  i'm so looking forward to that.

  5. I'm glad to hear the mostly great news.  I will pray for your physical health.  You are more than half way through this time of separation.  You are doing a great job!

  6. i love family updates. glad to hear all is well in spain and in your doubled household as well these days. i'm with you on skepticism... I'm still not conviced this is Annabelle. Pretty sure, but not convinced. :)

  7. I didn't get either of the boys hair cut before they were 2....Alan's was really long but it was cute, I'll have to find some of those old pictures.  I had to cut Joy's bangs before that....but the back has never been cut.  At some point it will have to be, since it's uneven, it still has that part where the back of the head wore off, from infancy, so hair there is shorter.... 
    I had sinus issues in the spring when I was pregnant with Joy, really bad.  And my ob wouldn't let me take any medicine....it eventually got better., but I found out it was because of being pregnant too.  I think I agree with Lori.  Also when we went to Arizona a long time ago, we had trouble a couple days with sinuses, and I think it was the pressure change, we were in the mountains there.

  8. Picking a name is sooo hard but even harder for me.  I just dont like too many choices so I have Dale go through and pick out a list he likes and then we go through them together.  Ashlyn Michala came that way and I thought it worked out quite nicely!   AND I have to say it was a LOT of fun that we kept the name a secret until she was born.  It was almost as good as not knowing the gender until that moment and was something special we shared (and almost changed several times LOL).  Besides, if we changed our mind, we didnt have to re-announce it to everyone.  (And we could never keep the gender a secret -which Dale toyed with doing -since I am constantly referring to the baby as "he" or "him"!) 
    So have you really and truly accepted that you are having a little girl or is there still that "niggle" of doubt? 
    Potty training... I have been letting Ashlyn do it on her own as well.  She is not consistantly waking dry in the mornings but all of a sudden she started asking to go which was a huge step for her.  I really hope she will be fully trained before long!  Keep me posted on any tips or tricks you discover with Bronwyn! 
