Sunday, June 3, 2007

Our immediate plans for after church were delayed an hour or two, so we've taken ourselves home. What better way is there to kill some time than to sit outside on a beautiful 70-something-degree day watching three very beautiful children explore the delights of our yard before our day whisks us away again?

And the sight of such lovely faces in the practically-perfect outdoors begged some pictures and sharing, don't you agree?

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Have I mentioned that I absolutely love and adore these little people? Because I do.


  1. It looks like a wonderful afternoon for sure. I like the new profile pic too.

  2. that made my day 100% better!


  3. first, i rather like one of beth's ideas for a middle name.  elaine really is wonderful.  ; )
    those pictures have made me smile and realize again how much i miss your family.  i love those kiddies.  so much.

  4. They are truly beautiful!  Love them and miss them so much!  Love,  Gram

  5. What beautiful pictures of beautiful children.  Thanks for sharing them.  It also looks likea beautiful day.  Right now it's cold and rainy in PGH, but we have had our share of beautiful days this past week.

  6. I'm so impressed w/ your boys' matching Gap shirts! I can't seem to get organized enough to pull that off... :)

  7. White pants on a boy -- my, you are brave! Or, just a whole lot better at the laundry thing than I am.

    I just saw your last post. Can I pitch my idea for a name? How about Aubrey Joy Paladin? (I think the one-syllable middle name rolls off the tongue a bit easier.) And think how difficult it will be to remain cross when using that middle name later on ...

  8. These are amazing pictures!!!  I miss them so much...
    So, I saw a little girl the other day whose name is Merryn...and I thought...Aubrey Merryn?  Or Aubrey Melaina?  At this rate, Aubrey will have 82 middle names.  :)  I'm praying for you all as bedrest continues.

  9. Great pictures! I love Bronwyn's dress!

    23 weeks! That's awesome! God is good.

  10. Wow, great pictures! I especially love the 1st one-----M

  11. I  like the 7th picture...I really like the angle it was taken from
    Very nice.

  12. The kiddos are so cute and look like they had a great time. I absolutely love Bronwyn's dress!

  13. It looks like a movie...such a beautiful place and beautiful children!

  14. Great pictures, Brietta!  It's always neat to see how the kids have grown.
    Ok, so I will through in some middle name suggestions for you:  Isabella? or Faith? or Gabriella?  Nicole was almost a Gabrielle - but it ended up her middle name.  Anyway, I'm sure you and Daniel will think of a great name by the time you need one!

  15. Yes, I agree... they are just lovely (the pictures too, but especially the children!). That's such a nice profile picture of you and Daniel too.

    Oh please don't feel badly about the 2-middle-name-thing! It is a bit "weird", I suppose in the sense that it is different... but we're ok with that!

    We decided on three names when it had been almost 2 days since Mariah's birth with no name. Now that I look back, this is not that long to ponder a name, but once I had her in my arms, the delineations seemed to be taking forever. I hated looking into her little face and having no name to associate with her.

    The main idea we wanted to capture was the faithfulness of our Heavenly Father, but the only name we came across with that specific meaning was Elisha. So we kept coming back to Abi Dillon (Abi, meaning: "father of", or "my father is" and Dillon, meaning "faithful".)

    At first, Joe was content to just name her Abi, but it is kind of a harsh sound. (She was so beautiful to me and the name Abi Dillon did not seem to capture much femininity. I just couldn't see myself calling out "Abe-eye!" for her.) So we went back to Elise- so pretty, but the more we prayed, the more we felt like the name was Mariah. (Which is weird again, because it's not the most feminine name either, especially since we took from the root of Moriah: "God is my teacher" and not Maria/Mary: "bitter".)

    With the boys, we'd really had a concept in mind (or heart)- something we really felt we understood. With Mariah it was a bit of a step of faith. We both felt it was the right name for her, but you know when you have theme in your heart (like Joe and I did with the Faithfulness of God)? Well, "God is my teacher" really wasn't there, but we honestly spent time in prayer, both separately and together over it, so we are kind of trusting God to share with us the application in coming months/years. Interestingly enough, when she was dedicated, Pastor Larry prophesied about her being a scholar and a teacher of God's Word.

    I guess, two names didn't seem to capture all we felt about her or all of what God was saying to us, so we gave her three! I don't know that we'll do it again (who knows!?), but we're happy with it. Occasionally, I begin to think, was that really the best thing? Will she feel weird? (And maybe, as many commented on your last post, at some point she will!) It's continued to grow on me now that it belongs to her and I love that it captures so many different feels: Mariah is kind of classic and biblical, Abi is old fashioned/vintage and has family/sentimental value, and Dillon is sweet, funky and even a little modern/trendy perhaps.

    Oh my- I have got to stop this marathon commenting! In any case, if you go with two middle names, you will definitely have one friend who approves! =)

  16. brietta, i don't know when you changed your profile pic- but i love it! i also love the pic of bronwyn with her dress all spread out=) btw i never would have made it on all of those flights (with the boys) without micah, mom s. and amalie!!!

  17. The kids look adorable! I can't believe how tall Bronwyn is!!
    I was away for the naming discussion but I think two middle names is fine. Acutally before we know Ada was a girl we were discussing boys names and I thought that Owen Raymond Michael Ross (After my dad and Tim) sounded great! Tim of course said pretty much what Daniel said, "Two middle names is weird..." Oh well. I think it's fine. I also used to want Joshua David Michael Ross when we were pregnant with Erin. I guess I must like two middle names or something. I think it gives the name something a little different!
    You asked what sites I use to find name meanings, I'm not sure b/c I was just searching around. I hate that so many books and web pages say different things sometimes....oh well. It would probably be so much easier to name a baby if we weren't worried about what it means....oh well. I do like the name and the two middle names!!

  18. I agee, it was nice for Missa to have something be the "first"!

  19. We had a party, at Koinonia church, on Saturday. All the kids that were there were close in age, so they had fun. Each of the girls had their own puddle cake, so after we sang to them, we let them dive right in! Needless to say, we were cleaning up for a long time, afterward!
    I went 38 weeks and 4 days with the girls (which was 4 days longer than I was supposed to go, safely) and 37 weeks, 6 days with Wes, so all of them were in the full term range! :)
    They were great sizes, in general. The average for newborn twins is 5 pounds, so even though these girls both dropped down to 5 poubds 9 ounces, before leaving the hospital, they still had decent weights. At least they've been able to get some wear out of their clothes! ;)
    How are you feeling these days?I love reading any and all updates on you and your beautiful family.

  20. LOVE THE NEW PROFILE PIC! Molly laughed her head off at the one of Jackson in the chair. Have you ever seen the video of the mom with no arms? Incredible. We young moms should watch it at least once each day. Google it and let me know what you think...
    P.S. Elise might be coming this week and I hope she can meet you!

  21. Just one vote for skipping the middle name altogether.
    Strange idea, I know. But we couldn't find a middle name that "felt right"
    with "Anastasia", so we decided that her first name was enough and said it all!
    "Anastasia" means the Resurrection....

  22. when you see nutmeg13, that means that Nancy posted when Ana was signed in....

  23. I was showing Erin the pics and she said, "I love that dress!". They must have the same taste:)

  24. I do love these photos!  The children are so darling.
    Aidan being so small doesn't really seem to be of any concern to Dr. Dewar.  He has always been on the small side weight wise and has been sick a lot recently to boot!  I'm not really even sure WHY we have growth charts!  Dr. Dewar's bigger concern is that Aidan isn't talking yet, so we need to get him to at least start talking before he goes back in October! 
    I'm not really sure about how common it is to have a posterior placenta.  Dr. Dewars only comment was that if mine is anterior, he is going to require a second sonagram later and if the placenta seems to be "caught" in my scar, he would be much less comortable with a vbac.  (because of expected trouble with the placenta detaching from my uterus)  I already know that if it is anterior, I'm still going to fight for a vbac.  That c-section sure isn't something I want to repeat on the possibility that there could possibly be a problem!

  25. I like Adelle for a middle name with the first name you picked.

  26. I hadn't heard about Michelle's sister (is it Melissa?)  That would be aweful!  I can't even imagine a c-section with extra incisions!  This being her first birth makes it especially difficult.  Poor lady, she has nothing "normal" to compare it to like I did (with my completely normal emergency section).  I have been laying in bed every night just praying that I can vbac and don't have to have a c-section again.  Now, how nuts is that... I'm praying to go through labor!?

  27. Aubrey is really, really beautiful...
    I was going to use Janae (Hebrew origin - God is gracious) as a middle name if Joel was a girl. So that's why I vote for Aubrey Janae.
    : )
