Friday, June 8, 2007


No, you weren't seeing things if you thought there was a prenatal appointment synopsis late yesterday afternoon. I deleted it. Sometimes I write and afterwards I think, "Boy, that was pretty sarcastic." Especially considering how upbeat I felt about the whole appointment.

At any rate, here we are. Tomorrow we finish the 24th week of this pregnancy, and that's a pretty big deal. I feel like I should plan some sort of mini-celebration!

My appointment yesterday was extremely encouraging and very thorough. Blood pressure was 90/51, I've gained 4lbs bringing me to a pleasantly-plump 16lb-gain, my uterus measured at 22.5cm (not a big deal because I almost always measure small and, in fact, have never measured more than 38cm-- even when carrying a 10lb baby and looking huge!), and my active little girl's heart was registering at about 146bpm when she wasn't visibly kicking the doppler. A nurse I spoke with 2 days ago had mentioned some concerns about certain symptoms, but we've almost completely ruled out the possibility of either a UTI or PTL by way of several different tests; all seems well.

There were 2 highlights from my appointment:

1. I found out just how much an advocate my doctor is being on my behalf, and this is so reassuring and comforting to me. After the trip to Burlington last month, Daniel and I both felt that continuing care there isn't necessary unless something more goes wrong or the SCH significantly worsens. Apparently, when my doctor communicated this to the specialist, it wasn't taken well. But she stuck up for us. Even to the point that she defended our desire to do ultrasounds every 6 weeks instead of every 2 weeks, provided there isn't more bleeding or other signs of problems.

2. My doctor agreed to let me ease into more activity because I am crossing the all-important 24-week mark and, more importantly, I've not had any bleeding in almost 4 weeks. I took my first walk yesterday evening-- albeit a slow one because Jackson was walking alongside me-- and it was wonderful! This morning I caught up on laundry and then made the short walk to the library and post office. I will confess to getting rather tired just from simple activities after almost 12 weeks of rather strict sitting/reclining, but considering the warnings to increase activity sloooowly, I don't think my energy limitations are necessarily a bad thing right now. Of course, there are still restrictions on lifting, exercising, etc., but I'm happy to just be on my feet a bit more!

It's a good, good weekend!


  1. Take it easy.
    Take it slow.
    Hooray Breezie!
    Let's GO!!!

    That's just a leftover from high school years - couldn't resist a bit of the cheerleader impulse that's still in me!

    I'm excited to hear good reports, but the mama in me says - "Take it easy and go S-L-O-W!!" Happy walking!

  2. Wonderful news!  I'm so happy that you can take walks again, even slow, short ones.  I'm so happy that your little girl is well and growing.  God is faithful!  I'm praying for all of you as you prepare for Daniel to be away.  You are a wonderful example of faith and contentment.

  3. Hooray for movement!!! I'm sure that's helping feel more "human" again!! Way to go for such a great report!

  4. Well I am happy for you! Have a good time, but not too good, so that you don't go over board. Fun should be taken (I suppose) in little doses, so you can always be happy with the amount of fun in your life. Although I just want HUGE spurts all at once. But that is because my fun is going to Walmart or just leaving the house for a bit of time. Well praise God! That was a good update and I am glad your doctor has shown she is truly on your side! That is always so nice. I know Allison was so good with that and she was awesome at reading body language! LOVE IT.

    God Bless:


  5. I'm rejoicing with you!  I don't get to comment much, but I read often!  Just wanted to take the time to give you a big cyber hug!

  6. Now come on, one day walking with Jackson to the next one, doing laundry and walking to the post office doesn't sound like "easing"!  Take teeny steps!!!  Everything has revolved without you and it's ok, you're still needed and important!  I do think walking is always good though....I don't know if it is flat out there or not?  Today I walked with a friend for an hour, and then I decided to take Matthew out to walk.  When he was little that was how I got him to talk to me, and it still worked today...yea!!!  The verse I am remembering right now is "Today is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!" Psalm 118 I think it is.
