Tuesday, June 19, 2007

My Lovelies...

As promised, here are the pictures from one of our very fun afternoons last week. What cute and happy faces!

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Jumping In!
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Look at the blue, blue North Country sky!
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Jackson has the fairest skin in the world, thus the cover-up:
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  1. Great pictures!
    Your children are so cute.  I love the pink/brown suit. 

  2. thanks.  they are the sweetest.

  3. oh, what fun...reminds me of my younger years at home on the farm

  4. Look at them!  Remember the days when all you needed was a kiddie pool of cold water and voila! instant fun!!  So darling!

  5. How fun!!!  Sunny days and faces of summer... 

  6. they really are just plain adorable. they look like they're having so much fun! you're looking great too! so glad you're feeling good and baby is growing healthy. :)

  7. they are so precious, brietta!  thanks for this post.

  8. Cutie pies! I was so glad to be able to see you and your family today. Every one of you is absolutely lovely. I would love for you to meet my kiddos sometime and to get to spend some time with you and your beautiful little ones. Let me know what works for you.

  9. REALLY cute pictures! Thanks for the birthday wishes & hair cut comments, haha:) It took me a while to convince Noah he would like my hair short, but now that he sees it I think he trusts me to make my own hair decisions (after all...I was doing it just fine without him for quite some time, haha). I would get my hair changed at least once a month if we had the $$$. But...I will have to stick with once or twice a year for now:) Your kids are growing so fast!

  10. ryc~ Oh yeah...    Not only is it "acceptable" but we can be proud of it LOL!  (Though it is funny, I look at you and realize how low this one seems to be laying for me -no wonder my bladder is suffering...) 

  11. Great pictures!  Looks like a happy day of summer fun.

  12. so cute! love brietta's swimsuit! kayla refuses to wear one. HA!

  13. The pictures are great and it's always so amazing to see how much older the kids look.  Thanks for sharing them with us!  Natalie 

  14. i just wanted to let you know that i love you.  and i loved hearing your voice the other night.  it was wonderful!

  15. so brietta, i heard this name the other day and i couldn't help thinking...about your new baby!  I'm not sure if you're still kicking around the idea of aubrey as a first name, but what about aubrey claudette?  or aubrey annette?  it's funny...i heard these names at a lecture i went to on cancer pharmacology (they were on the list of ppl who assisted with the project).  it's nice to think about something exciting like a new baby during something boring like the acknowledgements on the last slide of a presentation.  ;)

  16. Hi Brietta!! I hope you are well. we all love and miss you!! I love the pictures, the kids are adorable. It´s so beautiful here.

  17. So cute...I think Jackson would give Maygen a run on the pale skin!!!!!!! She's as white as they come!!! Our little red heads:)

  18. love Bronwyn's swimsuit! way CUTE!!
