Saturday, June 16, 2007

Moments in Time

Life is made up of lots of little moments in time, most of which seem neither spectacular nor inspiring. And yet the sum of it all is more far more special than anything we could hope or wait for, don't you think?

Our most recent moments in time have been lived down the road at Mom and Dad's. We are enjoying our time here a lot-- especially Gabriel, who thinks that time with Merrick is just about the greatest thing ever. I am particularly enjoying my parents screened-in side porch, which is a lovely respite from sunburns in the day and mosquitos in the night.

Jackson and Bronwyn have come down with colds, which meant missing graduation parties today. While I struggled with the two of them over naps this afternoon, Gabriel and Merrick laughed and shrieked in the yard as they scampered through the sprinkler for over two hours. I must say that hearing little boys enjoying themselves so thoroughly helped eliminate any frustration I might have otherwise been feeling.

Tomorrow is Father's Day, but I keep forgetting. Daniel's gone, so such things aren't quite at the forefront of my mind right about now. Still, steaks will be grilled and cards will be given. I even remembered to mail cards on time (I hope) for the out-of-town dad and granddads.

I am 25 weeks pregnant now. So far, the heat isn't bothering me, I'm still sleeping very well, and my biggest complaint is that maternity clothes are un-fun. Mostly, I'm feeling very grateful to be pregnant.

There are some very wonderful pictures on my camera of children playing in their kiddie-pool earlier this week, but I don't have the necessary cords for moving them to the computer with me, so I can't share them. They are such great pictures of such an extra-special moment in time. For now, you'll just have to take my word for it.

Lemonade is good. Especially when good lemonade is for sale 10/$10 at the local grocery store. Mmmm.

Don't you love when you get lots of nice little moments?


  1. i do love simple nice moments... then again, who wouldn't. i appreciate them so much more now that they've become rare in the light of constant nausea! hope you're feeling good.

  2. Enjoy the screened porch and the children playing in the sprinkler.  Sounds like great fun!  Grampa did receive his "Oh so special card!" so Thanks to the special children that drew and the special Mom that took the time to orchestrate and mail the "Oh so special card!"  Thanks so much.  Love You Guys
