Tuesday, October 27, 2009

One-track mind

Forgive me for being rather one-track minded these days. I always go into the end of pregnancy (the beginning, too, for that matter) determined to stay objective even when my emotions get totally wrapped up in what's happening to me and inside my body, but I must admit that it gets increasingly difficult to remember that other people have monumental things going on in their lives when each step I take is filled with at least a minor amount of groaning (thank you, SPD, for the constant reminder that I am, indeed, pregnant), I can hardly eat anything without massive indigestion and yet have somehow managed to gain 2lbs in the past week, and we're all living with the reality of getting to meet this newest family member "any day."

At this point, I'm 9 days overdue and so I'm pretty sure I'm allowed to be at least a teeny bit myopic in my thinking. Still, I apologize to all of you who have to hear me go on and on and on about the pregnancy. The reality is that right now I'm kind of feeling like the pregnancy is going on and on and on.

I don't mind the waiting, overall. I've done this before (Bronwyn was 15 days "late") and I know from experience that I can't stay pregnant forever. The wait would probably be significantly less stressful if I had more options at the end, but even so I'm doing pretty well just riding things out. I figure each day between now and Sunday (the deadline for this baby's arrival), my chances of going into spontaneous labor must skyrocket.

In the meantime, the baby continues doing really well and so we get to just take one day at a time, which I honestly feel so thankful for. My amniotic fluid level is back down to around 6 on the AFI, but lower fluid is to be somewhat expected at this point and the baby is handling it fine. An ultrasound last Thursday (40+4 weeks) estimated the baby at 7lbs15oz, give or take a pound. (Based on my other children's birth weights, I'll take a pound, thank you very much.)

I feel huge at this point. I couldn't decide whether or not to take another pregnancy picture because seeing my size shocks me, but I know that someday I'll be glad I did-- and I figured if I were you, I'd really want to see just how big I am now that I'm 41+2 weeks pregnant.



  1. I'm sorry but you really don't look THAT big though I def see a difference from your last picture. I know you always feel bigger than you are, but my goodness Brietta you just carry babies really tucked in there! I've just seen much bigger. Thinking more girl now since you're going this late?? Can't wait to hear some news between you and Lisa. I just hope I don't pop here myself before you guys. Liz said I looked ready to go the other night and I have to say I'm feeling exceptionally close!... however I hope those 'feelings' are just all in my head. 

  2. @ReneeOckrin - I was just wondering the other day if maybe you'll have your baby before Lisa or me!  That would be sooo funny!I'm done trying to figure out if I'm exceptionally close or not.  (Well, I mean, we know the baby will be here within the next 5 days, so I guess that's pretty close...)   I've been having ctx every 4-8 minutes since I first started having non-stress tests 2x/week almost 5 weeks ago.  I have many each day that are very noticeable, but don't end up going anywhere.  I do feel that even if we get to Sunday and my membranes are ruptured, my body is really ready for labor and *hopefully* the induction would be quick and smooth.  Still hanging onto hope that we won't have to do that, though...

  3. Yes, it's great to see you!  Though I have to say for being 41+2 you look great and while it looks like baby is gonna bust through your belly button, I wouldn't say you look HUGE.  It's more torpedo-ish. ;)  Hang in there.  Can't wait to hear the news of the newest!!!

  4. That´s okay, I am one track interest when it comes to this season of your pregnancy, that´s all I want to know... contractions?  How often?  Since when?  Trust me, you will not be wearing this one out even if you posted every time you had a contraction!  Love you and still praying!

  5. How did today's apt go?!?!? Have they checked you yet?

  6. I'm constantly peeking in on you to see if there is another little one yet. I really should comment more because I love reading, I wish people would comment when they read my blog just so I know who's out there, but I don't sorry.Anyway, I would NOT consider you HUGE, although I'm sure you feel it. You look great for being 9 days over! This is my belly at 31 weeks, I felt HUGE then! As of now I'm 36 1/2 week only 3 1/2 weeks to go, I keep wondering how big one belly can get. I totally have a one track mind right now too and I'm not even over due. I think it's totally normal and somewhat appropriate. Soon life will never be the same. Praying you don't have to be induced and all goes well. God BlessTarah

  7. Can't wait to see what this baby looks like!  You are still so much an example to me....I want to be a wife and mom like you!  I know it sounds weird to you...you are very blessed to have the parents and training you did.  It's normal to be dwelling on yourself and this baby too!  I pray things go quickly, safely and easily this time.  Would they try and break your water first before they induce?  With Joy he broke my water at 5cm....I thought he was a little impatient but probably not because there was a little muconium(sp) in it but she was ok.  I had her less than an hour after they did that...Babies really are a joy.  I don't think you are too big either!  You look like you should.  As for my quest to be a better homemaker...I made 3, count them, 3 soups this week from scratch...Joy loves Martha Stewart and we got one of her cookbooks from the library.  She helped me make the carrot-ginger soup, then later I made califlower-potato soup and next the basic vegetable soup that had carrot, potato, brocolli, califlower, spinach, onion, garlic...I think that was everything?  When I made the carrot we got really full and that's all we ate that night, no meat.  Well I used chicken broth...that was all.  I just get lazy and don't want to chop but it was fun.  Can't wait to see this baby!!!  God bless you and your family.  

  8. wow girl! you look great! I am measuring overdue right now and i look MASSIVE compaired to your pic! I am having twins yes, but you look great! Congrats and it will be anytime now! you are in my prayers!!!

  9. I would most definitely have a one track mind if I were in your shoes too!  I think you're allowed! :)
    Still hoping for you that it all happens spontaneously, but who knows?  Perhaps an induction would make for a faster labor for you this time?  :)

  10. How did today go?!?!?
    Gosh, is the suspense only killing me?!?!??! ;)

  11. @michelleross - You and Daniel, both. Check your email!

  12. @brietta - Hopefully you won't get there but if you do you'll have to post a pic at 42 weeks. Do you have a belly pic from 42+ with Bronwyn?!?!?

  13. I love your bangs! Sorry they are just so cute and everyone is getting them. They are the fad these days and you look like you are ready! My sister is having twins and is hoping to go anytime as well. Though she isn't as far along I am sure she is actually bigger. I know you will do great, you are like an old pro at this.  God Bless you all!


  14. Yay!  Congrats on baby.  Can't wait to hear your story and all about her!
