Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Eight Years!

When I stop and think about the things I get/am the recipient of through Daniel and our marriage, a lot comes to mind: leadership, covenant, friendship, inspiration, faithfulness, commitment, laughter, sharing, love.

(And sports, of course!)

Today, as I look back over the past eight years and what God has done, I am particularly thankful for our kiddos. They certainly aren't the only blessings that have come of our marriage, but they sure are some of the best!






What an awesome, beautiful, and humbling thing it is to partner with the Creator of the universe in bringing forth life; and what an undeserved privilege to steward these wonderful gifts. It's been an amazingly blessed eight years!

Don't you see that children are God's best gift?
the fruit of the womb his generous legacy?

Like a warrior's fistful of arrows are the children of a vigorous youth.
Oh, how blessed are you parents, with your quivers full of children!
Your enemies don't stand a chance against you;
you'll sweep them right off your doorstep.
Psalm 127:3-4, The Message


  1. Happy Anniversary!
    Are you going out to celebrate? Anniversary and before baby dinner maybe?!?!? :)

  2. Happy Anniversary!! I remember your wedding like it was yesterday! Will you make it out for a nice dinner before the baby comes?! Hope so! Have a great day.

  3. @michelleross - wow...same exact thought at the same time...scary!!  :)

  4. Happy Anniversary              

  5. @michelleross - @sarahk04 - No plans, but we went to a MNF party last night while Liana watched the kids here, and that was pretty nice!  Also, last week the kids were at my parents' all day while Daniel and I spent the day together in a birthday/anniversary sort of celebration outing.

  6. If Daniel happens to be free some night this week and you guys want to go out for a coffee or something, Molly and I would love to come over and stay with the Paladin clan! Think about it!
    P.S. Sooooo nice seeing you last night. Could we chat for hours, or what?

  7. Happy Anniversary!!  Love this post  

  8. Congratulations, Brietta!

  9. Is there anything else to be said? I think that covers it!
    Love you guys!

  10. These photos are simply adorable! But I have to say, the one of Gabriel with his daddy is too precious for words...blessing indeed!Congratulations on a godly marriage that is full of His glory and goodness.

  11. Congratulations a day late!  Still remember the day like it was yesterday...  Can you believe that a mere 8 years later, between the two of us, 9 more human beings are in this world, haha?!

  12. Hi Brietta...you don't know me, but I am a friend of Keila's and followed her link to your blog a while back.  I am 37 weeks pregnant, with #6, and it has been fun reading your posts about your pregnancy--it's always nicer when there's company, even if they are unaware!  :<)    I so appreciated your posting the 3D of your baby--I just saw one of my baby for the first time, and was a little alarmed....but after doing some looking online, and seeing yours, I see that 3Ds just seem to capture the smooshiness of everything!  I pray all goes well for you as you finish out your pregnancy, and that your labor is a wonderful experience...Maureen

  13. I can't believe it's been 8 years! I have definitely lost track of some time! I always remember Joe and stacie's because it's on his birthday, but i competely forgot that you would be celebrating. CONGRATULATIONS on a wonderful marriage and family=)

  14. @michelleross - @sarahk04 - @LisaMCriscitello - Daniel totally surprised me: when I got home yesterday afternoon from the chiropractor, he was waiting at the door all dressed up to take me out for dinner-- and he'd even arranged the babysitter and everything!  I was totally surprised... I mean, it was not exactly "in character," if you know what I mean!  Soooo fun, though!@maureen - Yes, those 3D images can be quite smooshy, eh?  The sonographer and I were laughing because in pretty much all of the pictures we got, this baby's face is smooshed right up against the uterine wall and looks quite plastered!Congratulations on your own upcoming arrival!  I hope all goes well for you!
