Saturday, October 24, 2009

Our growing little lady

Aubrey has grown so much in the past month! Her legs, while still trim, are much less scrawny looking than they were over the summer and she's got the cutest little cheeks these days. We are loving seeing her thrive.

This week, Aubrey was weighed and measured. She's now weighing a little over 23lbs (that's almost +1lb in just about 6 weeks and puts her as high as the 7th %-tile for the first time in... well... probably over 2 years!) and is 33.5" tall (almost the 30th %-tile). She puts food away like nobody's business, especially if it's chocolate, as well as continuing to breastfeed a handful of times each day. Our little healthy chunky monkey!


Aubrey's next visit with the cardiologists is December 10th. The anticipation is that they will again lower her daily dosage of furosemide-- her doctor hinted in June that they may even consider taking her off it completely!-- as well as doing a routine echocardiogram and ECG. We recently found out that our trip down there will also include some pelvic ultrasounds to check on some concerns about her reproductive organs, so just be praying that those come back totally normal.

We love this growing little lady and we never stop thanking God for her vibrancy!


  1. SUCH good news!  Her face is so sweet!

  2. Woo-hoo!  Love those cheeks!We are really looking forward to seeing you all again in a few weeks!!

  3. How special that she gets chocolate *and* mama's milk.  :) 
    It is wonderful that she is doing so well.
    I can't wait to hear your baby news!  (I feel like life is so full with the three boys that I still have yet to digest that a baby is coming to our house, soon, as well!)~ Carole

  4. Our beautiful little Aubrey, we are so very blessed by this little miracle!  God is good and we all just await the news that all continues to go well.  All the excitement at your house must be causing you to explode with all that is transpiring.  A new baby very, very soon and Dan's ordination all in a few days span.  Life moves at a very swift pace.  And your lives are really exceptional!  Wish I could be a part of it all but will have to survive by e-mail.  Love to You and Yours,  Gramma

  5. 41 weeks today!!!
    When is your next doc apt?

  6. @michelleross -  Tomorrow morning I have an nst, and then Wed is my next appointment.  I've been having irregular but increasingly noticeable contractions the past 24 hours.  I can't tell if that means we're getting anywhere or not.  I do know there's basically a bed booked for me next Sunday morning at the hospital.  I also know that I really, really, really don't want to have to go the route of AROM or traveling to Syracuse to deliver the baby (for more induction options, should they be necessary).  Daniel keeps reminding me that each day my chances of going into spontaneous labor increase and that a week is plenty of time for this baby to come.  I guess that even with my history of long labors, 7 days should be long enough.  ha ha!

  7. Hey how are you doing?  I can't believe how over due you are!  I thought for sure by now baby would have made his/her appearence!  You all must be so anxious and ready for this one to come.  What is your doctor saying about this?  Is he/she ok about you just waiting to have the baby whenever it comes or are they pushing induction?  I read our comment above to michelle...are you saying that if you don't have baby by next Sunday they want you in for induction?  Hopefully that won't be necessary!

  8. Beautiful Aubrey!  We had so much fun watching her and Eleora play together when we were up for a visit.  Little girls are a blessing!
    I just had to write you and tell you that I had a dream that you had the baby!  DP was telling Eric about it on the phone.  He said it was great - a baby boy, fast labor, VBAC even though the baby weighed 12 lbs!  He said, the only weird thing was that the doctor took out a garden hose and sprayed you down with water half way through the labor because you were getting too hot - weird! =)  Praying for you often!  Can't wait to hear about the new baby!
