Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Touching base

I feel like I should update just so that my readers know I haven't had the baby or anything (though most of you probably "see" me on facebook and/or in real life, so I'm sure it's not that big a deal).

There isn't a whole lot to tell right now. We are simply doing daily life and I have to say I am enjoying every minute of it. School, chores, hot breakfasts, candles in the evenings, cuddling on the couch, reading aloud, winterizing gardens, and so forth.

Yesterday evening Daniel and I did pack the kids in the van on an impulse and we all drove to our pathetic little mall just to do something special together. We even splurged and bought the kids each a small toy which, if you know us, is totally out of character (we are definitely Stick To The Budget sort of people). I keep thinking to myself what a great season this has been for our family and that, while I'm extremely excited for the next, I love the Us that's right now. So I keep savoring and enjoying and enjoying and savoring as best as my short-sighted self knows how.

On the heels of that thought, I guess it's no surprise to you that I'm really not a bit impatient. The reality is that this baby will come one of these days and will wonderfully interrupt everything, so I just keep living life the best I know how until then.

I love that.

I am honestly enjoying the surprise and unpredictability that surrounds the birth of a baby. I am so glad that we don't know if we're having a boy or a girl. I absolutely adore the fact that his/her birthday isn't known even to me, though his/her very body is cradled within my own. There is something so precious about the fact that only this baby's Creator knows the details right now. What an amazing thing!

[And, on a very fickle note, there are a few things I have planned through next Tuesday evening that I'd really like to be able to do, so I think it would be simply splendid if the baby held off at least until then (though not much longer than that, else I might start hearing talk of c-sections from the medical community).]

Anyway, I will do my best to make sure there are updates whenever I do go into labor and/or the baby arrives. I know how anxiously I await the good news of the arrival or others' babies, and I will try to make arrangements to cover all my bases in case there are others who are like me!


  1. So excited for you and your family as you anxiously await its newest addition! Can't wait to hear the exciting news of your little bundle's arrival!:)

  2. By week 38 I tend to get so excited to meet the new little person the end drives me crazy! In a good way, of course:) I just can't wait to meet that little person who has been growing inside for 9 months! Of course, after Maygen's arrival, I'll certaintly wait and wait without complaint but it is so hard not to want to meet them as soon as possible. I've never gone past 39 weeks 2 days so I've techinically never even really made it to the end!
    Can't wait for the update on Paladin baby #5!

  3. @michelleross - Isn't it funny? I honestly feel like I could go another 2 weeks without getting overly impatient in the least!

  4. @brietta - Oh, trust me, I remember you at the end with Bronwyn! Perfectly content to have her in there several more days or weeks. ;) As if 42+ isn't long enough. LOL

  5. I'm so glad you are not feeling impatient.  I am praying for you and this little baby at least daily, usually several times each day.  I'm getting very excited about meeting this little one in person.

  6. Have you decided on names yet? And I totally understand about wanting the baby to wait until it is most convenient for you...I was trying to hold off for Rebekah's wedding, but Lalana decided to come during the very event. And yet again we barely made it to the hospital in time because I really wanted to eat and get a couple dances in...I was not able to do either, but I totally didn't care as much when I finally got to meet her.

  7. I fear I will be the impatient one waiting this little ones arrival announcement! Anticipating...

  8. Sounds like a wonderful season for you and your family. I will pray for you as the Lord brings you to mind over these next days and weeks and look forward to hearing of #5's arrival.

  9. @phyllispaladin - I really appreciate the prayers.  I know they are a good deal of the reason I am no longer feeling anxious about the how of this birth!

  10. What a wonderful season to enjoy!  Love hearing from you and staying updated on your wait!

  11. I appreciate the updates. I can't wait to find out about your baby's arrival. And I find it extra special that you don't know if the baby is boy or girl.
    I get such mixed comments about not knowing what I'm carrying. Usually the older people are excited and the younger people think I'm crazy to not find out. Then they really can't believe it when I tell them I didn't know for Bryson either.Hope you get to do your plans you have planned. Just tell that baby that he/she gets to go and be with you, just in a more portable way.

  12. I'm right there with Rochelle!  Any day that you "disappear" makes me start to wonder...  So I am another that appreciate the updates  
    As for being anxious for his/her arrival, I keep flipping back and forth but the times when I am contentedly waiting s unusual for me. By this time with each of my others, I was about to the point of desperation for their arrival -or more specifically, their departure from my body LOL  I have always enjoyed pregnancy right up until the last 4-5 weeks -then the PSD kicks in full-force and everything is so painful that I just want it over.  This time...  I am feeling so much better.  Still have the PSD but moments of being painfree has me contentedly waiting as well.  Such a blessing the final weeks can be if you are able to keep your mind in control!

  13. I peek in on you once and awhile and I so enjoy reading of your nice little family. It reminds me of my own early days of young ones. Leaves me feeling warm inside.Kathy M.

  14. Yay for the "just us right now" times.  I love that feeling right before a new a little one comes where you just savor the moments.  And I hope your baby holds off to until the day I guessed on your guessing game....haha! ;)  Yes, keep us arrivals are awesome!! :) Good luck!

  15. No baby yet?  Did I read on fb that you have to see the dr tomorrow?  Good Luck!! :)

  16. @MrsRYoung - No baby!Yes, tomorrow morning I see my doctor. He really wants to rupture my membranes since I'm 3cm dilated and very favorable, but I want to wait.  I know he'll defer to me, but it's still not fun to disagree with a doctor, especially since we may very well be having the same conversation AGAIN next Monday.*sigh*
