Monday, October 19, 2009

The way fall looks around here

We are enjoying an exceptionally beautiful autumn here in the north country. Each morning I wake up and declare today more breathtaking than yesterday. The sun and the cool temperatures and the bright colors and the fallen leaves all adds up to absolutely amazing. I wish I could bottle these days and save them up for those times when my soul needs a boost, because they are the sort of days that simply don't allow for melancholy.

Last Thursday two bushels of apples arrived straight from apple country. Not only were these apples perfect (I only tossed 1 apple of the whole bunch out because it was too bruised to salvage, and there were maybe a handful that needed bruised spots removed at all), they were also $8/bushel. Perfect.

Jackson showing off the impressive size of the 20oz apples

Friday found me processing these apples for hours, literally. I'm pretty fast at peeling and slicing apples after years and years of doing so every fall, but still... two bushels of apples is a lot to process on your own!

This is what was still left after making 2 big batches of applesauce!

I jarred 16 quarts of applesauce and made more to eat right away, peeled and cored and sliced 80 cups of apples for freezing, allocated the most beautiful apples for eating, and filled the bottom drawer of my refrigerator with apples for immediate baking use.

10 bags full of 8c of apples each for baking in the next few months.
(I would freeze more, except I don't have an extra freezer and can only take up so much of our regular freezer with frozen fruit!)

My canning cupboard. It looks like it gets direct sunlight thanks to my mediocre camera, but I promise that it doesn't. Ever. A local friend who does the majority of her family's food preserving told me everything in it would be just fine-- she, too, leaves her canned goods in open cupboards in her kitchen.

Saturday afternoon we walked down to my parents' because the girls had raked up a bunch of leaves and offered to let the kids come and enjoy their efforts since we don't have many trees in our yard.

The walk down is a leaf-covered one, which the kids love

Aunt Julia showing Gabriel who's boss

Aunties and their kiddies

And, around here, fall this year is also looking like a very round belly. I'm officially overdue (shocking, I know) and a walking time-bomb. We hold our plans very loosely these days, knowing full well that as much as we plan, He will decide exactly how our week goes!


40+1 weeks!


  1. Wow!  I don't know if I'd have enough patience for all those apples!  Though I'm sure you'll appreciate your efforts in the coming months.
    Looking good!  Doctor's appointment tomorrow, right?

  2. Dr. Lyons isn't starting to get anxious on you yet is he??? I sure hope not!

  3. Amazing apple patience!  I don't think if I was a walking time bomb I would have the patience for such a task!  Go, you!!  It all looks wonderful and I'm hoping babycomes soon! :)

  4. Wow...I can barely peel enough apples for a pie before I feel like my hands are going to fall off...I think there may be an underlying joint issue, but still...two bushels is impossible for me to comprehend...way to go!  And I know how tough it can be hoping for a VBAC and going past the due date...praying for you.

  5. How exciting!  Those apples are awesome.  I'm very impressed - great work!  Reading your posts reminds me I have to cast my vote.  I can't wait to find out what you have!  P.S.  It was so good to see you guys two weekends ago!

  6. If you get too far past your due date I will teach you how to hide!

  7. I just love how small and chubby Jackson's fingers look next to that apple!

  8. The apples look great, the kids look great, you look great!
    We'll be getting a bunch of apples with the rest of our farmer's market checks and be doing the same thing in the next week or so. I love having the apples already measured and peeled!
    Let me know how today's doc apt goes!

  9. Wow!  I am impressed.  How great to have all of those apples and I'm sure your house smelled wonderful.  I'm glad you are loving the weather.  We are finally having some beautiful fall days after several cold, grey, rainy, fall days.  Looking forward to hearing what the DR. has to say.  Still trusting for a natural, safe, uneventful delivery on the best day for this little baby.

  10. I just checked my guess and at this point I feel pretty good about the October 25th guess! ;) Although that makes it so you'd be delivering with a on-call doc so maybe I'll just get over the poll and hope for next Monday instead!!
