Monday, November 2, 2009


Claire Evangeline
(bright, bringer of good news)

November 1, 2009
8lbs 14oz ~ 20-1/2"


We are all of us smitten!




  1. Oh, Brietta, she is beautiful, no wonder you are all smitten 

  2. Congratulations to the whole Paladin Family! Aubrey is too precious in that picture...aww...Bronwyn exclaimed to me yesterday at church "Her name is Ccclllllllaaaaaaaiiiiiiirrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeee" while spinning in circles swishing around her skirt :) 

  3. Congratulations to all of you!  I'm thinking of those special hours and days after a new baby joins the family a lot today... what a wonderful time!

  4. Congrats to the Paladin Family!  She is just beautiful!  Looking forward to meeting her in person, soon!  Her face so reminds me of Bronwyn but with different eyes, maybe?

  5. I have so been waiting for this update!!!
    She is just perfect! Congratulations! I just love snuggling and getting to know each new baby! So special and so fun.
    I love how Aubrey is gently touching her head and looking so very thoughtful. Very sweet.

  6. Congratulations!!!  This is some of the best news all weekend!  (And I just happened to be up to get those first updates -how fun!!) 
    Enjoy these special moments...  you deserve and worked hard for them.

  7. I am completely in love.  I have been to your Dad's flickr at least 10 times today.  She is SUCH a cute newborn!  Kiss her for me, ok?  

  8. Congrats!  Aubrey is a BIG sister....can you believe it?  I bet Aubrey and Claire will have many little girl adventures together in the coming years!  So, who won the baby pool?  I know it wasn't me! ;)  Congrats again!!

  9. Nevermind...I checked the baby pool and you updated it.  I got 12th I think.  Better than I thought I'd done!  haha.

  10. oh my!!! CONGRATS! She is beautiful! Love the name!!!! 

  11. Congratulations! She's a beauty and I love her sweet name. I hope you are feeling well and resting up. May you be full of peace and comfort as you and your family adjust to such a lovely addition!

  12. Congratulations to all of you!!!

  13. Congratulations!!!  How wonderful.  I'm so excited for you guys.  Especially that she came hours before being induced.  God cares about the small stuff!  He is so so good and little Claire is so so sweet. Have fun enjoying her!

  14. I love the middle name, since its Maria's middle name as well. So beautiful Brietta!
