Friday, October 23, 2009

Thinking About::

:: how much I love the way Aubrey runs to the door every time she hears it open, exclaiming, "Daddy home!" the whole way. Half the time it's somebody else, but that doesn't seem to quench her enthusiasm.

:: the fact that I filled out my first quarterly report for our superintendent yesterday. I can't believe Gabriel's as old as he is. Blame it on hormones, but I've cried a couple times in the last 24 hours just thinking about how fast he's growing up.

:: faith and trust, and how much more I need to grow in them. I spend way too much time fretting about things that the Lord then takes care of completely on my behalf.

:: the freezer that now boasts several pounds of local, grass fed ground beef that I didn't pay a penny for. Awesome.

:: the quiet of these Friday mornings with 2 kids out of the house, 1 kid sleeping, and 1 playing nicely on his own. I'm glad I don't get this every day because I think I'd get lazy, but it sure is nice once a week.

:: whether this baby is a boy or a girl. The later into the pregnancy we go, the more I flip-flop back and forth!

:: Christmas. I get way too excited about it.

:: Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.


  1. I am SO excited for Christmas this year in particular. I think it's because we are staying here for the FIRST time. We'll go home over the Holidays at some point but the actual day we're staying put and I have already been planning and thinking about traditions to start, foods to make, etc... and it really has me psyched!!! That and because almost all my shopping is done. Today at some point I plan to wrap Gabe's family's things so I can send them home with them this weekend since they celebrate the sibling exchange over T-day which we won't be going home for either. They are coming up this weekend for a work weekend and I'm so glad I've got all their presents together to send home with them. It's a relief in a way with this baby coming soon!  Enjoy the rest of your quiet morning!

  2. Hi Brietta!
    Thinkin' about your baby today....exciting :)
    I hear you on the quiet thing...right now I am just noticing how loudly our refrigerator hums. Never noticed before. Too much other noise.
    Our memory verse for the past several weeks has been 1 Thess. 5:16-18. Isn't God good?
    Our prayers are comin' your way :) Sarah D.

  3. Yay, glad to hear from you though I must admit I really want to see your blog updated with the news of that new baby of yours!! ;)  I'm sure you do too at this point!  I must ask where do you buy local ground beef?  I know you said you didn't actually get it yourself but was it purchased at the grocery store or somewhere special.  I only ask because foody stuff always peaks my attention! ;)
    This christmas will be especially exciting for your you family with a new baby!  Isn't Christmas with a new baby just even more Christmas-y? :)

  4. Trying to decide if I should publicly admit that I've already listened to some Christmas music.  Maybe in a few weeks!

  5. My kids put a Christmas CD on today! I LOVE Christmas! Don't worry Sarah, you're not kids were extremely pumped to be singing Jingle Bells. Oh and they watched Frosty the other night too!
