Thursday, May 22, 2008

Wisdom Teeth

I have two wisdom teeth that I've been putting off having removed. They're not painful or getting in the way, but my dentist predicts them crumbling and causing infection in the relatively near future (read: within the next 10 years or so-- not the next 10 months) because their structure is weak or something.


I've put it off because it's really hard to find a convenient time for such things. And (and this is a big "and") I'm not sure how all those pain medications and things like novocain work when you're pregnant and/or breastfeeding like I've been for the past 5+ years.

Any thoughts from anyone? Am I being overly paranoid about medications?


  1. I say pray about when to do for novocaine, it doesn't work very well on me anymore and I just got a cap done.  He had to use a lot of novocaine and I think it killed some taste buds on my tongue...They are coming back, but I don't know what I'll do in the future.  As for getting wisdom teeth out, get yourself put out!  Sodium penethol is the way to go!  I had all mine done that way.  It was done in the office too.  You don't want to be awake when they are digging out teeth, especially if the dr thinks they will crack or something.  Funny, because I had all my children with no drugs at all except some novocaine for sewing up tears afterwards, but for teeth I want all the pain killers I can get!  Plus you won't be numb for hours afterward.  Are the teeth out or still in your gums?  If they are out I might not even bother.  Two of mine caused pain and the others were impacted.  BTW, go to my website and look at the video, it's really cool about a woman who came back from the dead.

  2. I try not to take pain medication for anything. When I had all four of my wisdom teeth out I just took some over the counter pain medication to help with the pain and rested.  Manda

  3. I had all four of my wisdom teeth out when I was 8 months pregnant with Caedmon (due to infection).  Two were partially impacted and they couldn't put me under because I was pregnant , but that would have been the preference of the dentist.  I don't really think the actual procedure was so bad, though...just a lot of pressure, but no real pain while they were getting pulled.  Afterward, they gave me a prescription for Tylenol with codeine, which I think I only took once because it made me throw-up (not fun with four open wounds in your mouth).  Honestly, the recovery for me was horrible, but I think being pregnant (and generally nauseous anyway) had a lot to do with that.  I've always been told that novocaine has no effect on breastmilk or pregnancy, and I was told the same about the tylenol with codeine...though whether that is entirely true is questionable in my book.  Anyway, I think the recovery is the toughest part and might require some help with kids and chores to get through.  Hope some of that is helpful. 

  4. Hi, Brietta!  I JUST had not too long ago, my first wisdom tooth out.  It really wasn't that bad.  If you tell them you are breastfeeding they will give you a milder novacaine/"safe" one for nursing/pregnant moms.  My dentist is great and when I FIRST found out I was pregnant with Josiah I was in need of an emergency root canal.  I was so worried about harming the baby but the dentist said it would pose no risk to baby and he was right as all turned out ok.  It ended up being 3 separate appointments with novacaine each time!
    With the wisdom tooth, it was local novacaine and it was relatively painless and I took tylenol for pain.  All was fine.  I have two others that are not exposed so a surgeon would have to do them.  I have no advice about that kind of wisdom tooth extraction but if they've already broken through the gum, it's easy as pie. 
    Get it done as soon as it is convienent (take it from some who knows and has had lots of dental work done!).  You don't want to put off or neglect your teeth.  Especially since it can result in early labor if your teeth are bad.  Keeping your teeth healthy is good for your health and future babies!  Good luck!!! 

  5. I don't know about the med-issues,
    but I DO know about your dentist-phobias.I know how you feel !

  6. P.S. I had 2 of my wisdom teeth out while pregnant  

  7. I have lots of answers for you   My dad is an oral surgeon and I worked with him for years!First of all, do it ASAP.  Forget the infection part in the future.  If they need to come out, get them out as soon as you can because the younger you are the easier the healing process is.Novocain actually isn't used anymore, although we refer to it as such.  They now use lidocaine and others.  Totally safe while both breastfeeding and pregnant.And really, as far as meds for after your teeth are removed go - the best thing to take is good old Ibuprofen.  Aside from the pain relief it's also an anti-inflammatory medication.Just be sure that you are diligent about holding ice on in the first 12 hours, that's when it makes the biggest difference in preventing your swelling.Let me know if you have any other questions.

  8. Boy,if it were me,I wouldn't even get them pulled....(until they absolutely NEEDED to be) but that is just me! 

  9. Here's some information on lidocaine:, I would think (both from being a mom and having been a nurse) that it would be fine to get your wisdom teeth pulled now, but I feel that you are in a different position than the 'average' breastfeeding mom. Lidocaine does go into breastmilk but there is little risk to the baby, since babies tend to metabolize it well. However, I'm not sure how well Aubrey would handle it. It might not be a bad idea to call one of her cardiologists and ask them. I'm sure they would have a good answer, for you.My heart is telling me that you should pray on this a bit. You and Daniel have excellent judgment, since you're both great at listening to the Lord. ;)  If you do decide to go for it and you need help with anything, let me know!

  10. My dentist first told me I needed my wisdom teeth out 25 years ago.He also told my husband and some of my kids the same thing.  I'm still waiting to know that it's a little more urgent than his need for business!  I think they should say "your wisdom teeth COULD be removed anytime!"

  11. I was single when I got my two bottom wisdom teeth extracted.  It stunk.  But I don't do well with anesthesia (I got knocked out because I was nervous about the extraction).  I've since had dental work done while breastfeeding, with novacaine, etc, and it was a non-issue.  (I even had to have a necessary dental x-ray while pregnant!)  The only thing about wisdom tooth extraction is the pain medication you'd be using after you have the teeth pulled and still nursing.  If you do well with pain and can get by on Tylenol or Percocet then I can't see why there'd be any issue.  You'll probably be nursing and pregnant continuously for the next 15yrs.  Which would you rather have- get it done now or get painful absesses and get it done later (when you're pregnant???!!!!) ACK! 
    There's no easy answer. 

  12. The meds were the worst part about getting my wisdoms pulled. They made me so sick, that I just stopped taking them. I was on vicodin, pencillin, and an anti-inflammatory drug. I don't think they mixed well with each other.

  13. @Japangela - Percocet makes me sick. Really sick. I found that out post-Aubrey, when the only thing I could take that wouldn't make me dizzy and nauseous was motrin. On the plus-side, I figure if I can recover from a section on only motrin, I could probably recover from teeth extraction, too.Ahhh!  I'm not sure what to do.  They're there, they're not bothering me, why do anything?  But I also know that the younger I am, the quicker I will recover.  And if I believe this dentist, they will be a problem at some point so getting rid of them will eventually need to happen regardless of how inconsequential they seem right now.

  14. I had my wisdom teeth out in January.  I wasn't asleep for the procedure.  While it was unpleasant, it wasn't awful.  They took four out on the same day and I think I only took 1 pain pill - though truthfully I think Advil would have worked fine.  I don't like taking pain meds either.
    I had a lot of pain BEFORE they came out - I kept putting it off, and putting it off until they got infected.  I would encourage you to do it soon!

  15. I had two of my wisdom teeth out while I was pregnant with Charlotte. They were killing me. The only pain medication they recommended was Tylenol with codine. Also, during the surgery I was awake, and not put to sleep, (which considerably cuts the cost of the procedure), so that is something to consider. I still need my top teeth out...but I will hold off until we have insurance this fall.

  16. You would probably do fine on Motrin if it worked for your cesarean.  I have upper wisdom teeth that the dentist recommended I have taken out.  They've never bothered me, they're not moving, and they're still in there deep.  He suggested I get them out because *if* they cause trouble later on when I'm older I *might* have a problem recovering.I simply replied, "I already had one unnecessary preventative surgery when I had a cesarean- I don't want another.  Besides, I don't even know if I'll even live that long."  So, for me personally, "if," "might" and another "if" doesn't give me enough reason to go under the knife.  I'll take my chances!   I suggest you ask your dentist for specifics on why he thinks your wisdom teeth are a time bomb waiting to explode.  Then do some research on these issues and make an informed choice.  Some dentists automatically suggest wisdom tooth extraction, and it may not fit in with your personal health-care beliefs.  Do what you feel is best for you.

  17. So many stories to tell about wisdom teeth!!! =)  I just had the last two of mine taken out while nursing and it went just fine.  I was awake, was given what they told me was Novocaine, and didn't feel a thing.  My recovery was also so very quick.  I was up doing things around the house that evening and I truly give God allll the glory for this.  I had a ton of people praying and the prayers were felt!!!  I was on Hydrocodone & Penicillin which I found through research to have said to be harmless to the baby.  Eleora didn't seem to be affected at all.  However,  Aubrey may be a whole nother issue. 
    The only downfall to my experience, is that now I cannot feel or taste out of a small part of the left hand side of my tongue!  They said this is very rare and my feeling and taste may take months, years, or (in very rare cases) may never return!
    Pray, pray, pray & trust in our great God!

  18. Drew and I both got ours out last month and we both were awake. Mine had not completely broke through, but were near the surface. Therefore, I was a bit surprised (and relieved) by how quick the procedure was. They gave me vicodin, but I couldn't handle it and switched to tylenol or advil after the first dosage. This worked well and didn't make me so sick I couldn't get off the couch. 

  19. I don't think I got it at first....I wasn't thinking about medicine going into breastmilk.  I don't think I needed a lot of painkiller stuff afterwards...they might have given me codine, but that makes me sick to the stomach, so I don't take it.  Usually tylenol is fine for me if I need anything.  My upper wisdom's didn't bother me at all afterwards.  The bottom ones had stitches and that was ok, but I had numbness in my lip for about 6 months that gradually went away.  They say the main nerve is in the lower jaw and I guess on me it got damaged.  They also gave me demerol while I was under because I think the bottom ones must have been hard to get out.  But my teeth bothered me before I had them out.  For quite a while too...I wouldn't do it on fear that the dr is giving you, I'd definately still pray about when to do it. 

  20. Thanks for posting this.  I too, need to have mine out and have been putting it off as well.  Except I don't have the excuse of pregnancy or breastfeeding - at least for the last 3 years.  One of my teeth is sideways and they really want me to have them out. I agreed finally and had the appointment but then the xray came up missing and the dr. needed it.  They told me I would have to pay for another I never went.
