Saturday, May 31, 2008

Rainy Day

It's the perfect day for Daniel's last bit of vacation. It's rainy, so yard work is pretty much impossible. Instead of tackling any major projects, we're just going to hang out. We enjoyed a leisurely cup of coffee and talking while the kids played. Then we breakfasted all together.

Daniel's already offered to play me in Scrabble once the kids are down for naps. What can I say? He humors me.

I've started a pot of navy bean & sausage soup that will be joined on our dinner table later today by hot, whole wheat biscuits. It's always nice when a planned meal fits the weather so perfectly.

Tonight I might slip over to do pedicures with my sisters. My toenails are an atrocious half-painted, half-not combination. I won't even talk about my tough, dry-skinned heels. Ewww.

All in all, just rainy day activities around this house. Perfect for the mood I'm in.


  1. Sounds like a lovely day! It's always nice to get things done but it's just as nice to spend time relaxing and being together!

  2. Ooooh....... Scrabble, that sounds fun! We've got nap time planned out too for some games and possibly watching the Lost finale we missed Thursday night. Thanks again for last night. We all had a such a fun great time! Your family is such a blessing!

  3. I love rainy days with the family.  Enjoy your day together and "go get 'em" in Scrabble!

  4. Mmmm, rainy days are my favorite.  I imagine a little more sunlight would do me good, but I suppose I'm living in the right place for a girl that loves rain as much as I do.  Now if I could shed that pesky fear of tornadoes.  (Not that they ever happen around here!)

  5. @High_Note - It only ended up being a rainy morning (though it looks like it may rain again), but we still stuck with our plan of spending time together.  It was really nice.P.S. I regularly remind myself when it's bitterly cold that I would rather cold temps than hurricanes, tornadoes, poisonous bugs/spiders, earthquakes, etc.  I'm totally with you, Stacie!

  6. I just wanted to pass this tidbit along for your enjoyment:Ben called from NYC to say that after they see "STOMP" this afternoon, they are all heading to "Big Nick's" for NYC-style pizza.
    I hope there is room for them all!(I also hope beyond hope that he brings me home a piece...)

  7. Hey, too funny- we had turkey soup!
    I agree- nice for a rainy day.
    I have very sad news. I made a bold, hasty statement awhile back that I would NEVER again ask Eric to play Scrabble with me. It's my all-time favorite game and now my words are coming back to bite me. Of course this all stemmed from a heated game where Jeremy and Eric ended up making me so mad I think I was actually shouting curse words. Sadly enough I can't even remember what it was all over. Oh, well. I guess we reap what we sow. And Eric is glad because he hates board games with passion.
