Friday, May 23, 2008

The Weekend Update

Daniel and the kids are officially off on their camping adventure. This mom thinks the real adventure of the weekend will be the 7-1/2 hour trip Daddy is making solo with 1 toddler and 2 preschoolers. I'm already anxiously awaiting updates as they go, saying that they are making good progress. They're so excited and I've no doubt they will have a great time.

This morning, before they left, our new mattress and box spring arrived. Finally. (The company we ordered it from shipped it in the 2 weeks they said they would, but the local delivery company took a ridiculously long amount of time to then get it to us.) It's set up in the bedroom and I just finished putting the bedding back on it. And I must say that it's huge.


I never thought of our full-sized bed as being particularly small, but this thing is so.much.wider. The queen-sized duvet I made work on our old bed no longer drapes on the floor at the bottom corners. In fact, I might even need to consider purchasing a bed skirt now. I think I will feel a bit lost in it tonight-- Daniel won't be even be here-- but I anticipate quickly getting used to it and appreciating the extra room, especially when little people visit us in the early mornings.

Stacie, Michelle, and Sarah are on their way up to visit (I assume the trip is still going according to plan!), along with 21-month-old Mariah, for the weekend. I'm so excited to spend time with them!

My projected weekend forecast is looking very good, if a little unusual.


  1. It sounds like fun all around!  Let me know what you and the ladies are doing.  I would love to get to see all of them! 

  2. I love getting a new bed!  You'll really enjoy the extra room!  Andy's father gave us a brand new KING sleep number bed about a year ago.  He bought it because he has a bad back, but ended up not liking it.  We went from a full size to a king size and it was amazing. We can both sleep in the middle and not bother each other :)
    Have a great weekend!

  3. Yeah for new -big- beds!  We love our king since we are big on "the family bed".  Funny though...  With Coles teething and irritated (itchy) skin, he has been up a lot in the nights.  To help Dale still get some sleep, he slept with Ashlyn last night.  So we has Cole and I in our king bed and Dale with Ashlyn in the other king! 
    I have to say, I cant wait to hear all about the camping adventure.  Hats off to Daniel for doing it!! 

  4. How fun!  I can't believe you were able to sleep on a full size bed.  I'm such a mover when I sleep that I wake myself up bumping into Jake constantly.  I toss and turn all night long.  We have a queen size bed and I wish for a King!  

  5. Thought of you this morning when we passed by on our way to Friday School. I saw the mattress and box-spring being unloaded off the truck and I shared your excitement. Eric and I had a full until just last year. We swore we would NEVER go bigger than a full. I don't know what made us change our minds. Oh, well.

  6. Hi Brietta! Oh, I hope that you have a wonderful weekend! I will be praying with you for your precious campers, too. Love, Q

  7. You will love a pillow top! At least we LOVE ours and that looks like what you got. Have fun getting lost in it tonight!
