Friday, May 2, 2008

Our Day With Cousins

Not too long from now, the only cousins who live nearby will be relocating. We're pretty sad about this.
But today, while their mom did some sorting in order to do some packing, they came over. We were pretty happy about that.

First, we made chocolate chip cookies together.

(Aidan was in my arms and Aubrey was in the johnny-jump-up at this moment.)

Then, the girls played with Bronwyn's dollhouse...


(Aren't they so cute?!)

while the little boys played with the train set...

(OK, they're pretty cute, too...)

while Gabriel entertained Aubrey.


(Aubrey's expression sums up Gabriel's idea of "entertainment" quite perfectly.)

Lunch was very gourmet: PB&J, pretzels, and oranges.


After naps and a bit more playtime, it was movie time. When Daddy/Uncle Daniel came home, he joined them for the end of it.
Don't they all look so very lively?


Before the cousins had to leave, Aunt Abby/Mom brought pizza (and soda!) and we all ate together. Yum.
But I don't have any pictures of that. I was too busy eating.

It was a fun cousin-filled day!

And, yes, I had 6 under 6 in my house. I don't think daycare laws would approve of the adult/child ratio.


  1. Thank you AGAIN!  I just love that the kids are getting to spend time together. We will really miss being close after we move.  We will enjoy the time that we have together and pray that we will be in the same area again soon!

  2. Definitely some child care violations goin' on there in regard to numbers!
    But you are a good auntie and sister-in-law and you obviously love every minute of it.
    It's always a risk having that many young ones by yourself, but hey- just never let 'em see you sweat! You know, because they can smell fear. If they knew you were even a bit nervous, trust me- they would form a coup or something!

  3.   I've been watching my friend's son for her, and so we have 6 that are 6 and under.  It's busy!  But I haven't attempted anything like cookies - way to go!!

  4. Fun post. Thanks for all of the pictures!

  5. kayla was asking all your kiddo's names and when we got to gabriel, she exclaimed, "hey, gabriel is an ANGEL!"  too cute!  

  6. A memory day, for sure! Keep 'em comin'!
    And it sounds like you had a plan. Nothing beats a plan for order. It's not always doable, I know, (trust me, I know...) but it does make for better days overall.
    Then again, there are those impulsive plans -- trips to Sergi's, for instance, just because the weather calls for pizza with a walk around the corner for ice cream. That's a good kind of plan, too! But a plan, none-the-less!
    You do have an administrative gift, no doubt! Love you and yours...

  7. Love it! The pictures are great. I have to say Aubrey's face with Gabriel is priceless. Too cute!

  8. Brietta!  I cracked up laughing when I saw the shot of Aubrey's reaction to Gabriel's entertainment...I have vague recollections of their Daddy causing the same reaction in me...haha
    I'm thinking about you all and praying.  Miss you.

  9. All the pictures are great. It's always nice to have a cousins day. I know when are little ones get together how special it is for all of us young, older, and oldest!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. That looks like you all had a lot of fun! Don't worry-no daycare laws were broken- in NY, you have to have at least one adult for every 6 kids, but you cut it close! *winks* Lol. But hey-what would the state say to Jon & Kate (plus 8)? Haha.And Abby brought over pizza? I bet that made some little ones wide-eyed and all smiles. Hopefully Abby & family will be able to come visit and you'll get some more fun times, like this, in the future.  :)

  11. What great pictures and what adorable kids!  Aubrey looks so much bigger than when I saw here last.  She also looks like she is growing more hair.  I'm glad the cousins got to enjoy being together.
