Thursday, May 15, 2008


The days are long, the months are fleeting, the years are vanishing. I look at my children and I wonder when this happened-- when they became little people who voice opinions and have fears and imagine all sorts of wonderful things. And I think, Lord, change my perspective that I might always see the big picture... so that I can better understand the smaller parts.

Gabriel is thinking and processing so much these days. He peppers me with questions all day long. He wants to learn and know things. Yesterday he told me he wanted to sit on the porch and look at the tulips and think about Peter Pan. For those who are familiar with Anne, Gabriel is my [more realistic] Walter. He is talented and insecure all at once. I worry that my perfectionism will crush him, so my prayers for grace and humility to change are more fervent than ever. What an amazing little man-child.

Bronwyn is the same and changing all at once. She has recently been the biggest challenge for me, which probably means she's reached a new stage and needs new activities and new chores. She is incredibly quick to forgive, to share, to smile, to leave dirty socks trailing the stairs. Whether picking on her brothers, kissing Aubrey, talking to me, or sharing a story, she is rarely quiet and almost always interacting. I love her and I absolutely adore her chubby cheeks.

Jackson is unbelievably cute and stubborn all in the same breath. My sunshine and my handful both! I don't know how he manages! He wants to be a big kid-- to fight Gabriel in imaginary battles, run outside with squirt guns and kickballs, be done with the booster seat, drink from a regular cup, and hold Aubrey-- and yet he loves to snuggle and be comforted by his mama's kiss. Were it that he could stay my baby forever.

Aubrey is interested in everything. She wants to grab and touch and hold all that she can. Yesterday and today she fell asleep in her basket-bed on her own. It just kind of happened. I needed to get some things done and she was tired, so I laid her down thinking I would retrieve her when I finished emptying the dishwasher. Little did I know that she would be asleep when I returned. I almost wanted to wake her... to take back that opportunity for more growing up... How did we get here?

They are changing, as they should. Most days I don't see it. Most days I wonder if I will ever have a child who can tie his own shoes. I hate that I overlook the small bits of progress, only to realize all at once how far they have come. I want to savor every change, no matter how tiny. Not just so that I can tuck it away as a mother wants to do, but also so that I can praise and encourage every step along the way.


  1. Hmmm... good moments of reflection!

  2. I really wish I knew your secret. Because as much as such an attitude gets a "bad rap" I can't wait for my children to grow out of this preschool stage... the one with the trailing socks (and diapers, and snot, and crayon paper shavings, and scrawlings on the walls, and leaking sippie cups, and urine-stenched training pants) and the millionth question asked by lunchtime, and the bickering and teasing and fighting and defiance.  Finding joy in that truly is a gift... so what's your secret?

  3. @Japangela - Oh, I don't want you to think that life is all bliss around here and that I never have a grumpy attitude about the work that my children represent!  Mostly, I am striving to find the joy in every moment-- even the incessant questions and messy hands and squabbles-- because I know that there will come a day when I will miss the effortless closeness that I now have with my children.  I guess a lot of my "secret" really isn't a secret at all.  I have spent my whole life immersed in an environment that delights in babyhood and toddlerhood and preschool years and beyond, so it is part of my DNA to enjoy children, so to speak.  And lately I've found that as I purpose to give thanks-- vocally or written, but not simply thought-- I am reaping a huge blessing of being able to better see the fingerprints of God throughout my day and in my children.

  4. What a beautiful post and awesome reminder about savoring each moment! When I look at even my newest baby girl, I try to figure out where the past month went, let alone the past 19 months since Caleb was born!!! It's amazing how fast time flies!

  5. I love what you wrote in your above response...
    It is THE secret.
    It is THE answer.
    It WILL please God.
    But at the same time, it is a choice we have to make.
    We can choose to obey or not obey His command to give thanks.
    I have learned the hard way that I can't wait until I "feel" like it.
    I choose it now.
    While my kids are little and snotty and pee-pee and sassy.
    While they still need me to tie their shoes.
    And I am glad I have friends like you to share the journey with!
    Love you, Brietta!

  6. As you can see, I am reading old entries and trying to catch up on everyone.  This one made me cry.  Oh how precious these years with our little ones are.  It makes me so sad to think of the times, and there are many, when I have huffed at the job ahead and wanted so badly to just sneak away from it all for even a minute.  I too want to soak up every moment and not miss a thing.  Too many mom's are gripping at their little ones and too many little ones are angry and frustrated because no one is teaching them.  Thank you for this reminder and for the absolute glee it brings to me to know that you are there and raising your little army just the way God intended--with Him every step of the way! 
    We will have to do coffee sometime when I move up! 
