Sunday, February 17, 2008

Valentine's Day(s) Recap

It's been a red and pink and white few days and I've loved every minute of it. (Well... mostly every minute. It's pretty hard to get through a whole few days without at least one Pull-Out-My-Hair second or two.)

On Valentine's Day I buzzed and buzzed in order to get the table set prettily and a yummy meal of chicken & pepper quesadillas, warm cornbread, and veggies prepared for our dinner. Valentine's Day is a family affair around here, which means cards and candy and heart-shaped cookies for each of my lovely kiddos. (OK... so I confess to not forking over the money for a card for Aubrey-- and she didn't get any candy either.)

We shared a candlelit, game-playing, present-opening sort of evening-- presents courtesy a certain Nancy who loves us more than we deserve. It was a blast.



The craziest part of the evening was, by far, when I opened my card from Daniel. He's pretty good at picking out cards so I always look forward to seeing which one he's chosen. He also always buys at least one candy bar for me. But this year? Well, this year when I opened the card an order confirmation fell out.

Yeah. He bought me something. And not just anything, but something I have been wanting that's just seemed like a total pipe dream since the total cost of the gifts I receive annually can't touch the price tag on this one particular item.

You guessed it...



I know!!!!!!!

But the fun didn't stop there. My parents were over the next day bearing gifts: coloring books for Gabriel, Bronwyn, and Jackson and a new calendar for me. Calendars are one of my favorite things in the world: inexpensive art that changes every month!

Then yesterday I got to play Grown-Up. I set the dinner table for eight, put candles all over the dining room, rolled out pastry to wrap around chicken and mushrooms, and tried two new recipes for side dishes (one was a winner and the other? Well... not so much). At 6pm our six guests arrived and while my little ones were upstairs with Auntie Mills, we talked and ate lots of food and answered silly Valentine's Day sorts of questions and played a game and talked much more. It was so fun!


Now it's time to whisk cardboard hearts off the windows and discard puddles of melted red wax. Easter is only a little more than one month away and I want plenty of time for pastel linens and little bunnies and many re-tellings of the resurrection. All in all, though, I must say it's been a few days of Valentine-ish activities that will be fondly remembered long after the remnants are cleared away.

I'm so blessed!


  1. Your days sound great!  What a wonderful gift from Daniel!  And isn't it amazing that Easter is around the corner!  Spring will be here before we know it.  Thanks for sharing the pictures and stories ~ Natalie

  2. Hi Brietta :) How fun this was to read! And wow (and go Daniel) - what a wonderful valentine! Hope that you have a super week! Love, Q

  3. Wowwww!! Even though I'm a Mac fanatic, any new computer is definitely worth celebrating! And is it really that cool green color?? Niiiice.

  4. I am excited for you...a laptop of your very own! Yeay.
    I love this post, but I do disagree with one part...
    BOTH SIDE DISHES WERE PERFECT! I'm not sure what you were looking for, but to say the meal wasn't just perfect, well, you're just nuts. That's it.
    Thanks so much. We had a great time playing GROWN UP, too.
    This morning I'm back in the trenches and I love that, too!
    P.S. In your spare time (!) I would love the recipe for the carrots and peppers...

  5. Sounds so nice! A laptop?!?!?? How awesome! What a great surprise!
    I'll need to get that pastry/chicken recipe from you. It sounds so yummy!! (And I always love new ways to cook chicken!!! LOL)

  6. Oh that is so cool!!, your laptop. Have fun playing around on it. Your Valentine's Day(s) looked very festive and fun. 

  7. I love the green...hope it really is green:) We just bought our 1st Mac...I am so relieved as Microsoft and I just DO NOT get along, haha. It's fun having a new toy!

  8. Now that sounds like a perfect Valentines Day all around! 

  9. Since I've been reading your and Danica's blogs, I've seen many table pictures.  I'm inspired to use tablecloths.  Would you believe I don't own one?  Do you make yours?  Buy them?  Where would the tablecloth novice begin?

  10. @k8e_pie - I think I have purchased every tablecloth I own at TJM@xx.  They almost always have appropriate seasonal & holiday linens, as well as a good selection of big tablecloths.  All for much less than most anywhere else.  Making them seems like it would be easy enough, but seeing as how I purchased my Valentine's Day tablecloth for $7-- and I have never purchased one for more than $10-- I can't imagine making them would cost less, especially if you factored your time investment in.Word to the wise: white tablecloths are great with little kids because you can bleach them.  Otherwise, I love darker-colored backgrounds or plaids because it hides the spaghetti sauce stains better.

  11. @sarahellie - Yup, it's really green!!!!!

  12. @brietta - Wow, that's SO cool! :) You must be greatly anticipating its delivery. :)

  13. You wear me out with fun!  I love the energy you put forth and hope that I can start putting some of your ideas into action.  I love hosting and making everything festive.  I just never get into the little holidays but I need to, they are fun too!  Glad you got some much needed grown up time!

  14. -  ? about your laptop ... I ordered a green Dell last week also. (Josh likes to let my inner control freak take over and alows me to order my own presents )  Is yours taking a realy long time to arrive?  I read something about a delay but wasn't sure it applied to all orders. 
    -  Is the gym at church opened to anyone who wants to let their kids run around?  With the public school kids out this week, I'd like to take my kids and ask a friend if she'd like to bring her daughter as well.  Do we ahve to bring our own gear (basketballs, etc.) or is there access to CFC's supply? 
    (and I completely second the comment about TJ's tablecloths.  I've gotten a huge majority of my "pretty" stuff at TJ's and always find the best prices.)  Wow that was long, I should have emailed you instead!
