Monday, February 25, 2008


I am feeling almost 100%. I am convinced the only reason I'm not perfectly healthy today is because my own special Aubrey has not allowed her dear mama much rest this past week. If you think I'm complaining about her frequent nursing, though, think again. I am far too thrilled about the ever-rounding cheeks and the dimples that are starting to form on her hands to begrudge her my sleep.

Nurse away, Baby Love, I whisper during the night and sing throughout the day. Grow and grow and grow. You are a special miracle of life!

Somehow, around the nursing, we will be trying to get things back on track here. I have been doing laundry the past two days so that now there is a mountain of clean clothes in place of dirty ones. Good, yes, except that those clothes need to be folded and put in drawers and as yet, I am the only pair of hands in this home that is very good at that job.

Two cheesecakes will be made this afternoon or evening (I hope!) in preparation for Gabriel's 5th birthday. Don't get me started on Gabriel turning five because I might cry.


Little chores have to be done and children's attitudes must be re-checked. It's hard on the whole family when Mama's sick, you know.

Off I go, to the rest of my day. My body is mending, my baby is growing, my children are learning. It's a good day.


  1. It sounds like a good day indeed. Glad to hear you're feeling better!
    RYC: Yes, they are the same. I think of her each time I bring them out. :)

  2. Hi Brietta :) So glad to read that you are feeling better. I will be praying with you as you get back into the swing of "regular" days this week - and for your sweet mommy's heart about that birthday. Love, Q

  3. 100% is awesome!  Here's to staying healthy for a loooong time!!  Gabriel is such a grown up eater!  Cheesecake and salmon requests?  Mine would be pizza and white cake!!  Haha.  Enjoy!
