Thursday, February 7, 2008

Back to School

I declared today "Back to School" day around here following several back-to-back weeks of various sicknesses and emergencies.

No, we didn't trace the alphabet or add & subtract piles of raisins or anything fun like that. We had a whole day of Character Training 101. Back to the basics. Back to saying, "Yes, Mom," and not grumbling and complaining. Back to obeying the first time. Back to speaking in kind tones. Back to letting Mom get a word in edgewise when Dad's home. Back to entire days without even a single half-hour of Thomas the Train or any other desirable DVD-viewing. Back to taking turns and being generous.


And, boy, did we have a blast.

Now all four little ones are asleep. [For now.] And I. am. tired.

Tonight as Daniel headed back out the door after dinner, I asked him if I could have the day off tomorrow. He looked at me with that Fat Chance [aka Nice Try, Babe] look.

This is Character Training 101 for Mom, too. For every one time my children have to choose obedience over disobedience, you can bet your bottom dollar I've had to choose consistency over laziness, persistence over discouragement, and eternal-perspective over selfishness ten times. God may have given me four wonderful people to shape and mold, but He hasn't let up on shaping and molding me either.

One day, the training will be over and we will be made like Him. For now, we're in this thing for the long-haul-- no days off or exceptions allowed.


  1. We're not quite there yet.. I turned off the TV today and was rewarded with a response that told me I was right to do so...  But now I'm almost certain I have strep throat.Soon... soon we'll get back to normal around here.  Wait a minute... What is "normal" again?

  2. "...we're in it for the long haul..."
    Aren't you glad we're in it together?
    P.S. I can't give you tomorrow off but I can assure you that you're not alone.
    And as for the Character Training 101- those are the most imortant classes of all!
    You're kids are a blessing!

  3. Day off?  What is that.. day off?  Is that English?I do know what the Fat Chance look is though!!

  4. We moved out TV out yesterday.  Out of the house indefinitely.  Seth was just asking to watch Thomas and all I simply had to say way, "You can watch Thomas if you can find the TV."  LOL!Hey, what does training to obey the first time look like in your family?  You can email me in private if you want.  Give me the juice!  LOL! 

  5. Thanks for the reminder...I needed that!

  6. Hey Brietta, so a bunch of young adults from my church were at a youth leaders conference a couple of weeks ago. This past Sunday one of my friends was talking about it and how this speaker had some great things to say about the family, etc. They were going on & on about how they liked it and were recommending that we get a CD of the message. I asked who the speaker was....none other than Rick Sinclair:) I promptly responded, "What?!? I know him...well sort of...I know some of his daughters!" I was immediately disappointed that I missed him as he was speaking on the college campus WHERE I WORK. So yea...we happened to have plans that we couldn't change, but it was fun to be reminded that we have connections with ya'll. Tell your dad my church is a big fan of his, haha:)

  7. I understand what you are going through!  Just remember that it will pay off! 

  8. RYC- It was really slow, at the store. I had a total of 5 customers, all day. I was so embarrassed, when I locked myself out of the store, in the morning. I had to run over to the University bookstore and tell them what happened and they called the necessary people to help me out. So, I waited in the cold, for 30 minutes. It was kind of interesting, though, bc I got to really look at the old structures of the downtown Potsdam buildings. You know- the stuff people never really pay attention to. I wish I had a camera. I also witnessed a minor accident and many vehicles going too fast and a lot of people sliding, on the road. It was definitely a humbling experience, when I had to tell my boss, though!  Fortunately, her and her husband were very understanding, as the locks are ancient and tricky.
         My boss called a few hours ago, to tell me that she was very impressed and surprised at how thorough I was, all around, so that was nice. Lucas and Wes are sick, so I'll probably be redeeming some of my hours, for some healthy items, in the store.
       Last night was crazy, though, as I almost had 2 different people plow right into the van, bc I got stuck halfway in and halfway out of our driveway and I couldn't get out the driver's side. So, someone almost drove right into the passenger side, wile I was trapped and then, later, when a nice man stopped by to help, with his truck, the same thing almost happened, bc he wasn't paying attention, when he was pulling the van out and someone was coming. I'm thankful that they had good brakes! So, my nerves were shot, for a while, but I was so, so elated to see my kids and hear, "Hi, Mama!" And then everything was right again.  :)
       On another note: I can't necessarily give you a day off, but I'd be happy to take any or all of the oldest 3 for a day, here and there. I think your children are absolutely delightful. I'm more than happy to play Jedi knights or princess games, or just to cuddle, read stories or sing songs! 
       Training is difficult but it's such a blessing. You're doing an awesome job, Bri!
