Saturday, February 23, 2008

Homesick? Never!

I was officially diagnosed with my February round of strep throat on Thursday afternoon. That was also when my three big kids when to my parents' house and ended up staying until 24 hours later.

This bout is definitely worse than the last. My throat doesn't hurt any more than it did last month when I had strep (it doesn't hurt any less either), but my glands are so swollen it hurts to move my neck at all and it's been accompanied by an almost round-the-clock headache.

Today, I am feeling marginally better. My glands are no longer visibly swollen and the thick white patches on the back of my throat are now more "spotty" and leaving room for normal pink tissue to be seen. But I'm still not feeling up to the challenge task privilege of being the sole caretaker of my energetic brood, so one quick phone call by Daniel this morning arranged for the three big kids to go back to Mom's while Daniel's at the campus ministry pro-life seminar.

I was laying in bed nursing Aubrey when I heard Daniel announce that the kids needed to pick up and get ready to go to Nana and Papa's. One might think that after just having returned home yesterday afternoon, they would want to stay here for a bit.


"Yay!" was the resounding cheer from all around. Gabriel didn't even want to finish his breakfast because he was so eager to leave. They're all so attached to Mama's apron-strings, can't you tell???


  1. That brings me back to the days of going to my grandma's house. We would love to get ready early in the day and go before Easter to the Broadway Market to shop for all our Easter goods. Then for Christmas when we would go over early and make pierogis and cookies. Anytime was good to go to grandmas. Hope you feel better soon!AnDi

  2. When Ally goes to visit my grandma there are often tears when it's time to leave.  I told her she wasn't allowed to stay there unless she learned to miss me more! 
    Isn't it parents ended up as Nana and Papa too! 
    Hope you're getting the rest you need to recover.  Yuck to sickness...again.

  3. I feel you on this one!! EVERY day, Will asks if he can go to Grandma's house. Explaining why not is something that I really don't like doing. Why doesn't he like staying home with me anyway??? (I think they really do, but Grandma's is always different, and let's face it, probably more fun!)Hope you feel better soon!!

  4. I hope you feel better soon! I'm glad all the kids are having fun at your parent's house. Who doesn't love being over there?  ;)
    Praying for quick healing, for you...

  5. I'm glad you got your laptop and are enjoying it.    I think DHL tried to deliver it on Friday while I was picking Lael up from CFA. It was, according to the tracking, out for delivery but never showed up.  I think since no one was here to sign for it, it was returned to the DHL facility in Syracuse.  I was quite bummed but at least I know its on the way, right? 
    So how is it?  I'm a little concered about Vista but figure I'll get the hang of it eventually.

  6.   My kids feel the same way about my mom's house.  I think they'd live in Nana and Papa's barns if they were allowed

  7. I'm so sorry that you are sick again.  And this sounds very miserable.  I've been totally disconnected from the xanga world since Thursday afternoon so I didn't even know you were sick, but I have continued to pray for you and your family daily.  I'm looking forward to seeing you next week.

  8. Sorry you're sick!
    This is yucky (and for the SECOND time!)
    Praying for you...

  9. I feel your pain!  (Well, not at the moment, since I'm feeling better, but flinching everytime you swallow down what feels like a handful of glass and scrap metal is so not fun.)  We're home this morning again since the kids seem to have a stomach bug.  (Mariah was up vomiting last night and Seth has spent the morning sitting on the potty.)BTW, My kids don't just get excited about going to grandma and grandpa's... You could offer them a trip to the office to pick up paperwork and they'd dash for the door. Hope you feel better soon!  I hear that multiple bouts of strep can be curbed by a tablespoon of vinegar every day for a couple of weeks (if you can get it down- Blech!).  I'm sure you've had your fill of vinegar (and baking soda) at this point.

  10. My heart goes out to you.  Sickness has been too much of a friend to you all this winter.  Just think of the practice your bodies are getting!??  (that is kind of positve thinking, right?)  We'll be in my prayers.
