Thursday, November 15, 2007


I guess we all probably have our "trigger" areas. You know, the things that can make the day seem all right or all wrong. For instance, the floors being vacuumed and the dishes being washed = immediate peace for me. Daniel has learned me well enough to know that if I've had a rough day, him spending 15 minutes with the vacuum cleaner does more for me than any pep-talk ever could.

I have four more "triggers." The way they sleep, eat, play, talk, and behave can make my heart soar or can send me into the fastest downward spiral you've ever seen.

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That's the thing about "triggers." They're changing-- if not
moment-to-moment, at least day-to-day. The victory I experience when I
lay that fussy baby down in her bed will be dissolved in my tears when she
wakes up screaming 15 minutes later. The peace of one morning's
down-pat routine disappears when naptime is disastrous. My
four-year-old might eat the cereal and milk without complaining today,
but that is no indication of what he'll do tomorrow.

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It isn't wrong to achieve satisfaction in the work of our hands and the world around us, so long as we know that it isn't lasting. The floor that is vacuumed right now will be covered in bread crumbs, smushed green peas, and half-chewed chicken in a couple hours. It's the way it goes.

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But Jesus never changes. And the peace and satisfaction He gives is always available. In life's storms and trials. In the big and small disappointments. In rest and in exhaustion. In candlelight dinners and in fast food eaten on the go.

Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you;
not as the world gives
do I give to you.
Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be
                                              John 14:27


  1. Brietta-Thank you for this post.  It ministered to me.  I've been feeling the triggers a lot lately and this is a wonderful reminder of what it's really about!

  2. What true thoughts.  What wonderful pictures.  They look so happy.  I can almost hear their laughter.

  3. Oh yeah--Brietta has 4 kids now!!  This is the first I've seen them all together in one snapshot.  The pictures are keepers, so cute!

  4. Priceless pictures. And a priceless thought as well...

  5. Brietta,
     What beautiful children you have, I so enjoy coming to your page and reading about the Palladin family.
     I am so glad to hear the good report about Aubrey. We will continue to pray for her and for your family.

  6. Great pictures:) Keep up the good work!

  7. Thank you... I'm headed towards breaking point with our upstairs still under construction. It won't be forever. :)
    I love how Aubrey looks so pleased in her big brothers and big sister. You've got such cute kids. Really!

  8. How a true a post that was!  I loved all you had to say and the wonderful pictures as well! 

  9. Wow, 4 kiddos seems like so many more than 3!!! I love seeing all the kids together!

  10. So good and so true...  I am feeling the effect of these triggers myself these days.  I needed this.
    Great pictures too!

  11. Your triggers seem like "anything the kids do"....    I just had one this morning with Matthew....he seems to like to test us by saying no to everything he is supposed to do and saying it at the last minute, then we all accept that dumb trigger and blow up together....I was thinking when you said trigger, like the devil pointing a gun at us, and saying, "Are you going to let this go off?"  I so often do let it go off.  Pretty dumb to let the devil shoot me over something like that....he is always testing my authority, it's not just the children! 

  12. Love those beautiful childred!  They are so happy and the pictures make me smile just looking at them.  My trigger days are behind me, I think?
