Thursday, June 18, 2009

T-ball and couches

:: Last night we went to the end-of-the-year BBQ for the t-ball, little, and softball leagues. They fed us lots of free (and good!) food and gave each of the kids a medal for their participation.

There are lots of things I don't like about living in a small town. You know, things like not being able to order pizza in or the nearest gas station being about 10 miles away. Last night, however, was definitely the kind of night that reminds you of all the reasons small towns are awesome.


:: Daniel is leaving shortly to go pick up the couch some friends of ours from Connecticut packed in their [huge] trailer since they were headed this way on a ministry tour. Their willingness to do this has saved us about $300 that we would have had to spend on S&H-- and allows us to buy the couch that much sooner. I can't wait until it gets here!


  1. Yeah!! What a fun day!And yeah, small town gathering are the best.

  2. Connections in the body of Christ are amazing!
