Thursday, June 18, 2009

It's here!!!



  1. Looks like everyone was testing it out. Looks great! BTW, I love the colors. 

  2. Yah! Now the tape is gone from where it was 'supposed' to be. That was awesome!

  3. @ReneeOckrin - Can you believe that I'm thinking about moving it to try it in another spot?!  It's just much smaller (visually) than I thought it would be, which gives us a whole lot more options, you know?  Daniel rolled his eyes when I said, "What would you think of it over... there?"  Poor guy!

  4. It looks great!!
    And I coulda sworn you said you were driving here today?  Change of plans?

  5. OK so my favorite part is the rug. I love braided rugs and I LOVE that it is round! The colors are so fun and just scream FAMILY FUN! You are going to have so many wonderful moments on this couch and in this new room. Bedtime stories, tickle time, hubby snuggles, gatherings...What a comfy blessing!

  6. Looks great!  I love how everyone is testing it out!  

  7. @High_Note - Oh yes, we were. But, as happens, things came up (namely, complications with getting the couch all the way to our house) and we needed to stay another day to wrap up loose ends.  But we're all set for a departure in the AM, and we're excited!
