Monday, June 15, 2009

another year

We celebrated Daniel's birthday (along with my grandma's) last night.

I am so thankful for Daniel.





  1. And CLEARLY Jackson was thankful for his daddy... and for a reason to devour absolutely delicious cupcakes. (Yum. How on earth did you resist? You're AMAZING.)

  2. @danicasinclair - Between the picture of Jack and the one below of Gabriel devouring his ice cream, one might think we really enjoy our sweets around here. P.S. I'm not sure how I resisted. It wasn't as hard as I'd thought it would be.But tonight as I watched Kara mix up a batch of chewy chocolate cookies w/ white chocolate chips, I started to drool...

  3. i have no idea what kind of cupcakes those are, but they look SUPER yummy!!  and i know we've never met in person, so this might seem a little wierd, but you look adorable in that picture!  i think we might possibly become good friends if we lived a little closer!? 

  4. Happy Birthday to Daniel!
    The cupcakes look so very yumy!
    I think I'll need to get the recipe:)

  5. what is the filling in those? why can't you eat them or eat ice cream?  did daniel choose the cake/cupcake he wanted?  matthew turned 4 on the 15th-monday and requested chocolate cake.  happy birthday to daniel. you are looking terrific! :)

  6. @angelwez - I've cut out all refined flours and sugars for the duration of the pregnancy (about 18 weeks to go).  My blood sugars are always fine when I'm tested, but the doctors are concerned about the potential size of my baby in light of my planned VBAC.  I think it's ridiculous, honestly, since my body has well proven that it can deliver big babies with no problem, but I figured I could cut out refined flours and sugars since it might make a difference in the size of the baby and it certainly won't be bad for me (or the baby) in the meantime!

  7. @angelwez - Oh, the filling is a cream cheese filling.  I also posted the recipe if you want it: didn't pick them, but I OK'd them with him before I went ahead.  He's not picky and pretty much loves all desserts.  (I think he ate 3, so he must have liked them alright!)

  8. @bleejones - I think so, too!  And I would love it if Kayla and Bronwyn could live nearby and share all their birthdays!!!!

  9. oh my. wow. glad to hear he liked them. they truly do look yummy. :)
