Monday, June 30, 2008

This Monday

I wash away the grime of the weekend from around the bathroom sink. Soapy buckets and prune-like hands remove sticky filth to reveal a spotless floor. The clothesline is heavy-laden with diapers of pink and yellow, white and blue and green. Little people diligently attend to their chores, inspired to get their daily check-mark because this mama is freshly inspired to see that they do.

A card is dropped in the mail, along with medical paperwork for Bronwyn's upcoming trip to an orthopedic oncologist.

I finish my Bible-reading, breathing a sigh of content in knowing that for the first time in several months I am consistently working my way through passages without falling behind. My journal, my record of what I see and treasure and meditate upon, is a little thicker after receiving today's prayers, thoughts, and bits of magazine artwork that I cut and paste in.

The red 34oz water bottle that accompanies me always has been drained once. It will be refilled three more times before the sun sets, which is just enough to quench my thirst these days.

Another perusal of my Homeschool Wishlist yields further satisfaction to my soul. I am slowly but surely narrowing the choices, growing increasingly excited, finding good bargains.

Enough with looking ahead, though; now I start sorting through digital photos, uploading the ones to be developed and put into family photo albums. I wonder at how I can cling so sentimentally to certain moments, all the while willing others away, and I purpose to better give thanks in everything this Monday.


  1.  Sorry if I missed something, but why is Bronwyn seeing an oncologist?  I hope everything is okay...

  2. I have the same question as Emily.  Why is Bronwyn seeing an orthopedic oncologist?

  3. @Girabbit - In answer to your question, I wrote a more recent entry. I figured the answer might require more than I could give in a comment!

  4. @phyllispaladin - I wrote a new entry to respond to this question. It's our latest adventure...
