Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A great report

Aubrey had a great appointment today. The cardiologist was extremely pleased, and then accordingly relaxed about how to handle her care. In the end, he doesn't want to do a thing differently with her right now because she's doing so well. In fact, this is the first time that he's mentioned the possibility of even delaying a heart catheterization and further testing beyond this fall, which has been the plan up until now.

She weighed in at 14.5lbs (3rd %-tile) and measured 26.5" (25th %-tile), with a head circumference of 17.25" (25th %-tile). This continues to show steady and consistent growth and is very satisfactory.

Thanks for praying for Aubrey. At each step along this journey, surgery and risky intervention has been further postponed due to her good health and development. This is the grace of God! Aubrey is a miracle before our eyes, and we are thankful!


  1. Yay for the great report! Praise God!!

  2. It is so good to hear the good reports!!!  God is so good!  Love you all!!!

  3. What a great report! God is faithful!!!

  4. Praise God!!!  I'm so happy for you all!!!

  5. How absolutely wonderful.  We will continue to pray for this most miraculous baby.  We love all six of you!!  God is Good All the Time!
