Saturday, May 1, 2010

6 months

The calendar doesn't lie.

(Oh, but I wish it did.)

It tells me that 6 months ago, Claire Evangeline took her first breath.


Our gorgeous, go-with-the-flow, peaches-n-cream baby.

Claire is 16lbs, 11oz now, which is just a bit shy of doubling her birth weight. At 26-1/2" long, she's grown a little over an inch each month (on average). Her 17" head circumference brings her to a perfectly-proportioned 65% in every area on the growth percentile chart.

(I know you don't care about that stuff, but this journal is for me and her, too, you know.)

I know that the next 6 months with Claire are going to be just as wonderful as the past 6.

I just hope they go by a little slower.


  1. HOW is she six months already?  Time just flies by too fast!  I love the picture!  Too cute! 

  2. She's beautiful:) And so is your family! I'm sorry they grow up so fast....this pregnancy of mine is already flying by!

  3. Lemme guess...Daniel let her wash down her donut with a few sausage links!

  4. it's sad to think that I've missed every one of those six months - I really need to meet this little one before she grows up much more...

  5. @LisaMCriscitello - hahhhaaahhaaahhaha!  Over my dead body.(Oh wait, he already did that with one of my babies, didn't he?!?!)@eyestotheeast - Yes, you do!  When do we get to see you again?
