Friday, May 28, 2010


:: We planted our vegetable garden the other evening before dinner. You know the evening that was like 95* and as humid as all get out? Yeah, that one. Perhaps doing it that day didn't demonstrate the best planning on our part-- the whole patch of soil was like sand billowing in our faces as we turned it, despite having used the sprinkler on it that morning-- but the bottom line is that now it's all in. Three years into vegetable gardening, the planting process still feels strange to me. I'm used to little perennials and watching them grow since Mom has always been an avid flower gardener, but the idea that I can put a seed in the ground and get food in a few months? Crazy cool!

:: Claire is huge. She squirms all over the place these days, has two teeth, and protests certain toys because she's bored with them. Her "milestones" aren't setting any family records, by any means, but they're still taking me by total surprise because I really and truly do feel like she was born just yesterday. Her infancy is going by even faster than any of my other children's, though I don't know how such a thing is even possible.

:: Gabriel and Bronwyn have 4 more days of official school work before we are done for the summer. We've put in more than the required 180 days, but we've [mostly] had a blast the entire time and so this mama decided we would just go above and beyond and do it all: a 34-week unit curriculum, 2 semesters worth of Friday Program, and a month-of-December study of Christmas Around the World.

:: Yesterday Daniel and I sat down with our gcals and finalized summer plans. We will be traveling quite a bit in the next few months. The extended Paladin family (I think about 45 of us!) will all be convening in Myrtle Beach in mid-June for a reunion, and this northern-most crew is totally psyched about it! In July, we'll head to Pittsburgh for Daniel's sister's wedding and, along with witnessing such a special event, get to visit with family and friends. In August, we're going to Long Island for our annual visit with my aunt and her family, which is always very relaxing and a terrific end to the summer.

:: We are replenished daily in the Lord. It doesn't matter what life brings or what the enemy throws our way, God truly does renew our strength as we wait on Him! There is a fresh excitement in both Daniel and I for the days ahead. I don't know how people "do life" without Jesus on their side, but I'm glad I don't have to "go there!" Following Him is not only an amazing adventure, but it is a joy-filled one. We are His and He is ours. Does it get any better or more awesome than that???


  1. I think you should post pics of your garden! We're excited to see you guys too. What a fun and full summer you have! We're going to finish up with Unit 32 in just about 2 weeks. We've also enjoyed this year with just a few bumps along the way. I think I told you but I got most of Erin's curriculum for next year for really cheap off a FSOT board on a used homeschooling website. It came in the mail the other day and it looks great (In almost perfect condition too)! I think I'm even more pumped about Beyond. 

  2. Looks like a full and exciting summer!

  3. My heart cries out a loud AMEN!  Jesus is so good!  I checked in the day you posted the picture of your beautiful cherry pie, and I can't seem to get it out of my head. 
