Friday, November 13, 2009


:: My computer met with power jack trouble when I knocked it off my bed (accidentally-- I wasn't angry or anything, I promise!) and it fell on the plugged in power cord. It didn't seem to suffer any other damage-- which is probably a miracle for which I should be eternally grateful-- and I was able to use it sparingly... until I ran out of battery power. Now I'm waiting for a new power jack and our favorite Bubsie to see what magic he can work to repair the computer. In the meantime, I grab quick updates on facebook and write the "urgent" emails here and there on someone else's computer, but I don't usually have time to fit in much more than that.

:: My mother-in-law is here for the week and we are all enjoying her presence! The kids are in heaven, to say the least, and I'm quite the beneficiary in the arrangement, too. There are lots of books being read aloud, sword fights are taking place in the yard, good food is being cooked in large quantities, and my chores are being done but not by me!

:: We are excitedly beginning preparations for Daniel's ordination next week. There are a number of visitors from out of town making the trip north, which is just incredibly special. We're so looking forward to seeing family and friends and celebrating this time with them and our dear church family!

:: We finished another week of our regular school curriculum this week, and have now shelved those books until the new year. From here on in, I've put together a mini-curriculum of our own so that we can better study/appreciate the Pilgrims, Squanto, the first Thanksgiving, Christmas celebrations around the world (I've got 12 countries lined up, which I'm very excited about!), etc. I know homeschooling isn't the best choice for everyone, but I have to say that I love it, and I can't imagine doing anything else! I feel so blessed to be able to homeschool and to have little students as great as Gabriel and Bronwyn.

:: My new diaper bag, handmade by my talented sister, arrived in the mail this week and is amazing. I really need to take pictures to show everyone, and I promise I will. Maybe tomorrow when it's all packed and loaded up for church-- then you'll all get to see just how much it really holds. It's incredible!

:: In conclusion, I just have to say that this post partum has been so peaceful, and I feel so blessed. I know it has nothing to do with me and everything to do with God and my family and the many great friends who have brought food over or stopped in to visit and celebrate Claire with us. Claire has been sleeping incredibly well (she usually sleeps 6-7 hours, wakes up once during the night, and then sleeps another 4-5 before waking for the day), and that certainly makes a huge difference, too. I have no idea how long this great sleeping will last, so I'm trying to just enjoy and appreciate each night that is so restful.


  1. so glad to hear that everything is going so well! Be blessed with your new little one, and i pray that her sleeping habits dont change, bc that is a HUGE blessing! 

  2. PS you should take a pic of the diaper bag! would love to see it, it sounds great!

  3. Let's take a poll: How many other mothers of five children or more will attest to #5 being a magic number?I know Louissa was a breeze of a babe (even though she didn't nap regularly, she was rarely fussy or demanding, always pleasant.) And Aunt Louissa will be the first in line to let you know that #5 is indeed special!  ;)

  4. Great update and I can't wait to see you next Friday!

  5. @darlenes - Seeing as #4 was quite the adjustment, I'll have to take your word and hope/pray that #5's transition would be easier. It wasn't Kylie at all. In fact, she is still absolutely pleasant and always smiling. It was more mommy learning how to juggle 4 kids under 5 that kept my head spinning

  6. How I wish I could say/feel the same way about my mother-in-law. What an awesome sounding woman your's is. And all that help. God has richly blessed you.
    Life sounds so peaceful in your home!

  7. I have read your blog since Aubrey was born and it has made such an impact on my life. I too am a homeschooling mommy with 6 little ones. There are many times when I start to lose focus on HIS plan for me. Then I will come read your blog and it always inspires me to be the wife, mom, teacher and so on that I am meant to be and desire to be.  Thank you for sharing who you are and how God is working in your life. Your blog is such a blesing and inspiration to me. :0) Hugs, Heidi

  8. @NYPDblue - I am so blessed in my mother-in-law. She's a terrific lady!

  9. Oh man!  What a bummer about the power jack.  I always take for granted how often I grab my computer or phone for something until I can't use them for one reason or another.  Hopefully you are back up and running soon!  I'm SO glad to hear that Claire isn't up too much at night.  Of course, even once or twice can seem like a bit more than we can handle at times!  I appreciate these quick updates!  It makes me feel a little more connected! 

  10. Just because you have computer boys got me a fan/lap desk type of thing for my laptop, I love it.  It has 2 fans and I don't have to worry about overheating when I actually put it on my lap!  I put it on the floor once on the rug, not a good I'm glad I have something to keep the vents in a cool place. I think it actually runs better too.  You are very blessed, sounds like things are going great with Claire, and all of the family! 

  11. Thanks for the update!  I imagine you are very busy these days!  I was curious, you  mentioned Daniel's ordination and I was wondering how does that work?  Did he have to take classes at church or did he got to school for that?  Is he going to be Pastoring somewhere once he is ordained?
    About your christmas around the world.  That sounds really fun!  How did you compile that?  I assume you are using books about different countries?  Could you say a little more about what you borrowed/purchased for that?
    Also can't wait to see the bag Danica made you.  After seeing the purse she made for Jackie which was really pretty, I bet your bag is awesome! 
    P.S If you go to Focus on the Family's website they sell a GREAT radio theatre presentation of Squanto.  I listened to it on the radio last year and bought it this year.  It was so well done and fun.  Old fashioned radio theatre fun!!  It was only 12 dollars!  Check it out if you get a chance!

  12. i'm guessing japan isn't in your christmas line-up, considering its not exactly a christian holiday celebrating type country, BUT -- if you ever want to do a unit on japan, i'd happily send you all a little care package of goodies!  i did it for another friend last year when she was teaching her kids about japan during homeschool.  just an idea!  :)

  13. @MrsRYoung - We see ordination as something that formally recognizes an already functioning Ephesians 4:11 gift in a man's life. Daniel's been a "licensed" minister for a number of years and does have a degree in theology, but this is more the eldership and church body recognizing the gift of pastoral leadership in him.  He'll continue to work on staff here at CFC-- it's not so much anything changing as an establishing of him.  Hope that makes sense.I bought Christmas Around the World, which goes through 12 different countries and has 1 page about each one.  I'm using that as a springboard, and from there have requested various books from the library on the particular countries and we will do a craft and some baking/cooking for each country.  Hopefully it will be as fun for the kids as for me!  Thanks for the tip on the radio presentation.  Sounds fun!

  14. @bleejones - Japan ISN'T on the list, unfortunately.  I will be sure to let you know if something like that would ever fit in our schooling, because that would be a blast!

  15. Bless you and your ability to handle that many little ones.  I feel like my 3 are enough for my hands!
    I know someone asked you about your christmas curriculum.  Could you tell me more about what you are doing for Thanksgiving.  I'm putting aside our curriculum for that week to teach about thanksgiving, and wanted to hear what you will be doing. This is the first year getting into the topic, so I think i'm going simple.  But love to soak up ideas for later years!   

  16. Thanks for the explanation!  Yes, that does make sense.  You must all be very excited and busy! :)  Christmas around the world sounds fun.  Keep us update on what you end up doing.  Sounds yummy too as far as the baking end of it!!
    The radio presentation is awesome and just takes you back in time listening to a story on the radio.  Imagining the characters myself in my head was so fun.  With tv you don't really get to make up your own ideas as they are right there displayed for you.  Plus, the acting was awesome.  I CAN'T WAIT to listen to it this year!! :)

  17. HI Brietta. Congratulations on the birth of your baby!!! I was wondering if I could find out a little more about your Christmas Around The World lessons you are doing. I did a few things for Thanksgiving but, I've been thinking of doing more with Christmas. If you get a chance to email me quick, that would be great. If not, I understand you have many things going on. :) Blessings.-Gina
