Friday, September 25, 2009

Full term

I'm almost 37 weeks pregnant now; full term, for all intents and purposes. I can't believe we're already here.


I have to say, I'm more prepared than I've ever been at this point in a prior pregnancy. The diapers, blankets, burp cloths, and gender-neutral baby clothes have been washed, and I've rearranged books in order to free up a bookshelf for storing it all. The infant car seat was vacuumed and scrubbed and is now sitting in the back of the van (not quite installed, but close!). Daniel assembled the bouncy seat while I prepared the bassinet the other day. I even have the majority of the baby's things and my things collected for the hospital.

In the past, I always thought I ought to wait until the last minute for such preparations so that I wouldn't get overly anxious for the baby's arrival. Unfortunately, this resulted in not being quite ready the past two times I've delivered! This time I figured I'd better not put it off as long as I usually do. By Tuesday evening, all the critical things were taken care of. (Of course, there's still the list of things I'd like to do, like getting a couple bushels of apples and canning applesauce/freezing apples, etc., but all the necessary stuff is done.)

And now I'm finding that, quite contrary to what I'd always thought, I just feel ready-- not at all anxious. While I am very excited for this baby's arrival, I also love our family right now, and instead of having what I need to do hanging over my head, I feel free to really enjoy these last weeks.

I do ask that if you think of us, you pray. Yesterday I found out that I have fairly low levels of amniotic fluid, and it was confirmed today. On the amniotic fluid index, my fluid measured at 6.7 (generally it seems that 10-18 is "normal," 6-10 or 22-25 is "concerning," below 5 or above 25 is "dangerous," to give you a frame of reference). Unless my levels increase, I will be having bi-weekly non-stress tests and weekly ultrasounds from now until the baby is born. If my levels decrease to 5 or less, doctors will most likely want to deliver the baby since I am full term anyway, which is less than ideal in any situation but especially in light of my desire to VBAC.

Oh, and it's not too late to vote if you haven't yet! I'm waffling more than I have the whole pregnancy about whether this baby is a boy or girl. I almost gave in yesterday at the ultrasound, but I knew the lecture I'd get from Daniel simply wouldn't be worth it!


  1. Hi Brietta :) So exciting! Yes, I will pray. Love to you & hugs, Q

  2. Ah Brietta!  I will be adding this to my prayers for sure!!!  I had also heard 5-25 if the guideline they look for and will pray it doesnt drop any further.  Maybe this is a sign that #5 will be coming sooner rather than later?  
    I am with you on your entire 3rd paragraph and cant wait until that is true here as well.  We have nothing ready.  The closest thing is that Dale brought the cradle down from the attic today and it is sitting in the living room waiting to be cleaned and brought into our room.  Dont even have a carseat -or a name for that matter! (though we just found out we have 30-days from birth to name her -whew)  Nothing is organized -let alone washed.  Yeah, I need to get moving.  If I go early (as usual), I only have about a month to get everything ready. 
    Oh, and you have way more willpower than I would at this point. If we didnt already know and I was having an u/s, it would drive me crazy not knowing!  (And yet I would love to be surprised too!) 

  3. I find it funny that if you're low (I dipped to just about 7 with Zach) that drinking more will help but if you're too high ( I was at 32 with Ally) there is nothing that can be done.  After my one low reading and lots of glasses of water later, my levels were much higher according to the u/s.  I'll pray the same happens for you!

  4. So excited for you and your family as you anxiously await the arrival of your little bundle of joy! We'll definitely be praying for you!:)

  5. Drink lots and lots of water (I think maybe you already do this?) to help boost the amniotic fluid.  :)
    Thinking of you!

  6. It's so exciting to not know the sex! I can't wait!

  7. @cjbeinetti - Yes, I've been guzzling water today.  I usually try to drink around 100oz/day, but I do wonder if maybe Aubrey's increased nursing (she's up to about 4x/day now that my milk supply is better again) is contributing-- and so I'm trying to make sure I drink extra to compensate.  Hopefully by next week's ultrasound, everything will be back within normal ranges!

  8. I'm really hoping you don't have to go in for those non-stress tests!  They are actually quite stressful.  I had them with my first pregnancy and I think they contibuted to me having a c-section.  At least thats what some reasearch suggests.  They, in my opinoin are horrible.   And I made sure when we moved from Potsdam area that my doctor down here didn't do them and thank goodness I found one!  I wish I had some good advice to help you avoid them but I guess all there is at this point is prayer which is always enough!  Good luck!

  9. @MrsRYoung - Well, fortunately for me, the annoyance of having to go in for the non-stress tests quickly dissipates once I get there and am relaxing in a quiet room by myself for 30 minutes.  This was my second one in the past week, and both times I brought a good book and/or closed my eyes and it was BLISS! 

  10. you look great...and I'm sure everything will be fine.'Ive gone at 37 weeks with all three girls. Praying for you.

  11. Praying for you and the littlest Paladin.  You look great and I'm sure it feels good to be "ready"!  I'm sending Aubrey's birthday present up with Mom when she comes - hoping that is not too soon for your VBAC!

  12. @sarah_purcell - Yeah, the concern isn't for the baby at this point (since he/she is definitely full term!), but more that if my low fluid levels indicate induction, I only have the option of artificially rupturing my membranes up here, since CPH won't allow the use of synthetic induction methods (pitocin, cervidel, etc.) in VBAC patients.  If we got to that point but the AROM didn't work, I would have to ask to be transferred to Syracuse in order to avoid an immediate c-section.  Blech.

  13. I just realized:  do you know that cjbeinetti = Carole McNamara?  :) 
    Glad you're guzzling the water. 

  14. you look fantastic!!! you are FULL TERM??? gee whiz. you are so tiny! you look ONLY about 5 mos or so...maybe 6. wow. good for you not finding out the sex....surprises are the best!!! you sure this one isn't coming early? praying and still believing all the prayers invested to date will result in successful VBAC. :) go God!

  15. Congrats! Almost there! I am 31 weeks now and feeling good. We just had a shower from our church and I am now planning and trying to get things done and ready!! It is great that you are ready! You look great in your pic too!! Congrats and update when you go in and have the baby!! Blessings
