Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I usually try really hard to do most of my errands on Tuesdays (Daniel's day off) so that I can leave some/all of the kids home while I run around. Unbuckling and re-buckling four car seats multiple times, trying to find restrooms in the most unlikely places for your toddler who has to go, stopping to re-tie shoe laces and re-zip coats and pick up the child who just fell into a puddle in the parking lot, etc. are simply things I prefer avoiding if at all possible.

But today found me with a list of things I had no choice but to take care of, so I told the kids to pull on their rain boots and we were off.

The kids and I tromped through a local drug store to find candy for Valentine's Day, since the larger grocery stores were out yesterday. I told them not to look at what I was buying, but I'm pretty sure they know they're getting M&Ms.

Then we stopped at the lab because I needed to get bloodwork done. I had told my doctor at my annual last week that I have yet to feel like I've gotten my "zip" back since Aubrey's birth and I wondered if my ever-low hemoglobin levels might be the culprit. I almost hope so, because at least then I can do something about it.

I also tried to get Aubrey's bloodwork done in preparation for her upcoming TEE, but they hadn't received the scrip yet from the cardiologists. Bummer.

A quick relatively painless stop at the bread outlet store for some whole wheat wraps, which they didn't have in stock. Yet another bummer.

Then hair cuts for 3 out of 4 kids and a nice eyebrow waxing for me. And, yes, I feel pampered; it works every time.

Finally the post office, only to get inside with all the kids and realize I forgot the package that I was supposed to mail at home. (Abby, you probably don't believe me that it's coming any more, and I don't blame you!) Bummer number three.

The kids did pretty well, all things considered, but getting us all in and out of multiple places takes a lot out of me. Somehow not getting everything crossed off my list feels much more disappointing when I put what feels like so much effort into it all.

But we're home now. And anything I didn't get taken care of will just have to wait until next Tuesday!


  1. It's hard enough doing errands with one by myself I can't imagine 4.... you are MY hero!!!

  2. Brow waxing is the best isn't it!?As far as the forgotten package, have you not used click 'n ship yet??!?? check it out on  They will pick it up from your door!

  3. I have used the click 'n ship and it is AWESOME! I also buy my stamps through an envelope in the mailbox. It's wonderful! This will only make one less stop for you, but sometimes (as you well know) with the kiddos one less stop can prevent a major meltdown!
    P.S. Next time stop and pick up Colby or Timmy and they will help you or stay in the vehicle with the kiddos.

  4. @k8e_pie - Okay... now I have to confess that with stuff like click 'n ship, I'm always afraid I'm going to screw something up and end up with more of a hassle on my hands.  This is just embarrassing to admit, because I know I sound like my grandmother when she talks about the internet in general...

  5. @LisaMCriscitello - Now that is an offer that's hard to pass up!  Next time I'm running errands with all the kids, if I happen to be in Potsdam instead of Canton, I might just swing by!

  6. Hey Brietta!  I've had days like that!  It's so much easier when they get older!  Do you know we are driving down to TX to see Ryan & Abby this weekend? Do you want us to take it with us and save you the postage? Jon thinks there's lots of ways to get the package to us by noon tomorrow.... let me know!  Mrs. Daniels

  7. @momdaniels - Ahhh!   That would be wonderful!   Let me know what I might be able to do to get it to you!

  8. I feel tired just reading about your day.  Probably because I can envision it all too clearly!  I limit myself to 3 stops when running errands with several children. 

  9. I know all about days like this one!  I am very thankful that pretty much everything that I do is within a 10 mile radius.  The bummer is that I usually take everyone with me everywhere!  I sure do miss having family close by to drop a few kids off with so that I can just take just one to the Dr.!  (consequently, I'm pretty sure that the Dr. thinks that I have the worst behaved children ever!)I had completely forgotten about the Christmas gift!  However (and whenever) it gets here is fine with us! 
