Friday, March 9, 2007

With just a teeny bit of prompting from my 2-year-old girl, I don a skirt and my tall brown boots instead of reaching for the warmer pants nearby.

Since she's watching with great intent, I figure I'll throw on a couple necklaces to brighten the plain long sleeved T-shirt on top; she'll like that.

The make-up of earlier hours is looking... well... tired. Somehow my touch-up doesn't do quite what I thought it might, but big blue eyes brighten with interest when I apply some lip gloss (a rare occasion): "Mama, you look pretty!"

She might not join Daniel and I at the restaurant tonight, or even understand why I get excited at the thought of a whole meal without cleaning spilled milk or spending more time cutting others' food than eating my own, but she enjoys the anticipation all the same.

(She's like that, you know.)

And so I do a little bit extra, just to tell her I'm happy.

Because I love to hear her say, her eyes and smile full of delight, "You're happy, Mama, aren't you?"


  1. oh, goodness, i almost cried.

    i loved being a little girl. i'm so glad that my baby b will love her special memories, too.

  2. bronwyn is the sweetest.
    now i must take a breath and remind myself of why i decided to stay here for another five months which means that i'll miss almost a whole year of growing up that happens in the paladin house.

  3. Of course, now I have to know where you went!

  4. I love this story...  a mom and her little girl... such sweet times and memories. 
    ryc~ Right now I am seeing Lyons but after the first trimester, I will switch back to McCloy.  She is still being copied on everything and "in" on it now.  In fact, she called me Tues after the first labwork came back at 9:00pm all excited about the numbers and looking forward to making it all the way through this time.  Have you decided that to do yet? 

  5. It makes me look forward to Mara getting older....a little bit.

  6. How was your night? Was it fun being dressed up with somewhere to go? The funny thing about us changing the time early is that I got to be late anyway. And I got all messed up and wound up turning the heat all the way up to 90 and our apartment was 100! I was actually turning the heat off and turned the dial the wrong way...I hate doing things when your half asleep and all confused because of the time. I knew I should have turned on the light but just thought I didn't really need to. I WAS WRONG! So I almost single handedly killed my family with heat stroke. Sheesh. Anyway have a great day!

