Saturday, March 17, 2007

This morning was supposed to be a typical Saturday morning: Daniel out the door for men's prayer, then to his cell group meeting in Potsdam followed by meeting with a couple students before coming back here. I planned on doing the usual things: laundry, bathroom-cleaning, baths for kids, Sunday morning clothing preparation, etc. I'd also hoped to get Easter decorations out, in spite of the outdoors looking more like a winter-wonderland than spring.

Instead, Daniel and I made an emergency trip to the hospital and had an ultrasound done. Last night I had more bleeding exactly like Wednesday night. Upon speaking with my doctor this morning, a decision to get an ultrasound done-- especially in light of a hoped-for trip out of town next week to visit family and friends in Pittsburgh-- seemed like a good idea.

The ultrasound confirmed what the doctor surmised the situation to have been when I was seen at the office on Thursday: subchorionic bleeding. This is not altogether uncommon and typically not a need for concern, except that my ultrasound showed that there's been quite a bit of bleeding. I do appreciate having a doctor who is ever-optimistic while still speaking plainly; she is hopeful, but honestly could see this pregnancy "going either way."

I'm now under orders for restricted activity. This mostly means I shouldn't lift a lot. The need is to give the placenta as optimal an environment for healing as possible.

I know, though, that the real key is prayer.

Having seen a healthy baby twice now this week, it is perhaps even more painful to realize that his natural source of nutrients and life is at risk. Once again, I am reminded that the womb is not mine, but God's domain-- He is the true Author and Source of life. I am grateful that even as I'm reminded of how not in control I am, I have the assurance of a good and faithful God Who is in control.

Please pray for my baby.

And please pray for me. I know what response the Lord is looking for in me and I want to be faithful:

Bless the Lord, O my soul, And all that is within me, bless His holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, And forget none of His benefits; Who pardons all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases; Who redeems your life from the pit, Who crowns you with lovingkindness and compassion; (Psalm 103:1-4)


  1. We will be praying.  How can I help?  I remember how hard the lifting restriction was on me after having Aidan.  Every time that I turned around, it seemed that I needed to lift Jocelyn for something.  I'm sure that Jack is the same way.  If it would help to have them come over or me come over when Daniel needs to be away, I would be more than happy to do that.  PLEASE do not hesitate to ask.  We want to help! 

  2. We praying, constantly. If there is anything I can do, don't hesitate to ask. Even if its an afternoon to play with kids while you rest. Your loved, and this baby is loved.

  3. I will pray everything will be alright. It sounds like you have a great support system. Make sure you take people up in their offers so that the baby can get stronger! Love you guys.


  4. Praying for strength for you and the baby to get through this.

  5. Say YES to help. I know that the person offering will be just as blessed as (if not more than) you!

  6. I have been trying to put together all of the information I just got (all at once) after I got home from Williamsburg.

    I think I understand what's happened now... And we will be praying for you and Paladin Baby 4.

    While I hate to, after "gearing up for it", give up a visit from you all, I would probably be just as relieved to hear that you were at home resting.

    I remember such similar nerve-racking moments during my pregnancy with Joel. It can be so tiring on so many levels and I pray you are refreshed.

    The womb truly is- even with endless scientific advances- "God's domain", and in your case, not only is He with you, but I am confident in your (and Daniel's) ability to hear God during these times when our flesh wants so badly to fret or despair.

  7. *Praying* Please let me know if there's anything I can do to help. My husband will be home Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon/evening and I'm more than willing to watch kids, run errands, make food, do name it!

  8. We will be praying for you and Baby 4.  We love ALL of you and desire God's greatest blessings for you.  Take all the help you can get, truly people are blessed to help out at times like this.  Love,  Gram

  9. I visit your site from time to time through other friend's sites.  I just can not visit your site tonight without a comment.  That would be rude of me.  Your faith in God seems very strong and that is the best thing in any situation....but in a situation where a child is involved, there is no other comfort.  So good for you that you have that faith and comfort of God.  I am reminded of Romans 5 (which has been my favorite this week), thankfulness for the struggles builds perseverance and in perseverance builds character and in character there is hope.  You are filled with God's loving spirit and through your hope, His love will shine through!  Now that is totally paraphrased....but even so, God's love will shine through in your situation.  I will pray for you and your baby!

  10. Yes, I will be praying!

  11. I'm glad your activity is restricted. If you need help from us, please call.

  12. Brietta: 
    I am a friend of Shell's and I believe I met you right after you had Gabriel.  I just wanted to say that I, too, will be praying for you and the baby.  My sister had a subchrionic hemorage with my niece and she is now a strong willed 2 year old.  Her's was VERY large and there were times that were very scary with the bleeding but with every scare, came relief after a heart check or ultrasound.  You are right though, all is part of our Lord's plan.  All we can pray is that we are equipped to bear what he sends our way.  I will be praying for a healthy pregnancy and peace of mind for you and your family. 

  13. Just wanted to let you know we've all been praying for you! Hope to see you guys next week...?

  14. Brietta, you are in our prayers, listen to the doctor about resting, the house will be there, don't worry about the dust.

  15. I am praying God's utmost hedge of protection for you and the baby, strength and renewed faith in all His promises  for you and wisdom in all you need to do as you rest in His presence.  I pray for your continued focus on what His word says to you. May His faithfulness pour forth in the testimony you give as He heals your body and brings you that peace beyond understanding while He is guarding your baby in the secret place He has created.  

  16. Also praying. Your faith is beautiful, and so is your little one!

  17. I'm praying for you and your baby.  I had bleeding with both my 2nd and 3rd pregnancies and I know how scary it can be.  God is in control and I pray He is ministering to you even during these unsure times.  He will be glorified  no matter what happens!
    Also, to answer your question-We did take the baby with us to the hockey game.  He nurses only, so he's with me at all times as well! :)  It is a hectic time during the first few months with a nursing baby and I usually don't go out much but this weekend was a special and unique opportunity.  It was great though because baby slept through the whole game both nights.
    And like I said, I'm praying and rest in His care during this time!
