Thursday, March 15, 2007

Our newest baby gave us quite the scare last night.

From bleeding to fretting to praying to the doctor's office, I must say I felt more peace about whatever news I might confront than I'd thought I would. Sometimes the joy of salvation is almost tangible-- and this was one of those times.

Oh!-- the relief upon hearing the baby's heartbeat, though!

The placenta problems were insignificant, as well, and it should heal itself.

*deep sigh*

Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow. (James 1:17)


  1. It is wonderful that the baby is okay. I understand what you went through exactly, except that 2 years ago, mine ended in a miscarriage at 11 weeks....and in that, too, there was peace that passes understanding. He is always good.

  2. I'm glad, I'll keep praying for you.  Will you still be able to visit Pgh?

  3. Wow.  I understand those "from-to-to" moments.  So glad to know everything is ok.  I will certainly continue to pray for you! 

  4. i'm so glad the baby problems were not critical. my heart winced at this post.

    thanks for your comment, also. it's much appreciated.

  5. I'm so glad everything is okay. How great is our God!

  6. I also understand completely. I've been pregnant 5 times and had 2 of those times end in miscarriage. Very hard but there was a great peace with knowing God was in control and knowing that his thoughts are greater than our thoughts!
    So glad to hear all is well! We'll continue to pray for baby Paladin!

  7. Praying for you and your little baby. There is nothing like hearing that little heartbeat, is there?

  8. It IS amazing what peace you can have in what would otherwise be stressful circumstances, isn't it? God is awesome.

  9. So glad the little one is fine and that the peace that passes all understanding was yours.

    Re your comment:   I remember those days where it was necessary to keep a variety of sizes. Unfortunately for me, my weight fluctuation cannot be blamed on pregnancy! It is much easier to trim down my closet in this season, that is for sure.
    The biggest thing I try to do is keep only what is necessary. That goes for the kids too. I remember when I was getting hand-me-down jeans for Ian and one day realized he had over ten pairs in his drawer. Since I wash almost daily, four or five pairs of jeans were more than enough. As they get older, and accidents/spills are less, I kept even fewer. Now they each have three pairs, I think. Basically, I just try to look at each item -be it underwear, sweatshirts, or whatever - and figure out how often I do laundry and what is the minimum number of items I need to get by. I may keep one or two more than that but I really try to keep everything at a minimum. (We have two sets of towels per person, two sets of sheets (one flannel, one regular) per bed, I do it with pretty much everything.)
    For storage I used totes in the basement, and put them away by size/sex. Each child always ended up getting some new clothes of their own, to add to the hand-me-downs, so I kept that in mind when packing stuff away. I did not keep everything. I used a consignment store or gave it away. Of course, mine are opposite sizes - one regular, one slim each sex - so a lot of stuff could not be passed on because it just would not fit their younger sibling.
    It is always nice to have play clothes, isn't it? We always kept what we called camping clothes. A few outfits that I would not care if they were completely ruined, that were not necessarily included in the total because they were worn only for major outdoor excursions. We went camping, of course, but they were also put on when they wanted to play out in the woods all day or dig some gargantuan hole in the back yard or some really messy task. We have now graduated to painting clothes. We seem to have been doing a lot of that in the past four years and if we're camping you can be sure my sweatshirt has paint splatters on it.  
    Wow, that is a long comment. I should've just e-mailed. I hope that helps a bit and let me know if you have any more questions. Have a great day!

  10. i've been praying for you.
    love you lots and lots and love this baby lots and lots.

  11. We will continue to pray for this little one.  Does it seem that the placenta is doing the same thing as in the past, but maybe just positioned differently this time?  Just curious.  Love you and hope to see your gang soon.

  12. Thank you so much for loving our names. Obviously we are in love with these names but its nice to hear others love the choices you've made too. Your thoughts on the name Bennett are mine exactly. I just love it. (All the more reason I'm hoping this is a boy). To be honest, we've had these names (well mostly the boys) since before I got pregnant for the first baby. While trying to conceive we received a prophetic word to start picking out names. We couldn't think of a thing. Then one day I spouted of Bennett and we both fell in love immediately. A few weeks later I was pregnant. So Bennett has stuck and will stick until a little boy makes his enterence. Annabelle came after the amazing amount of grace poured out on me during the time of our miscarriage... hence 'beautiful grace'.
    I'm sure you'll begin whipping off names in time to come. If I come across any or think of any that remind of you, I'll be sure to pass them along!

  13. So scary - I know the feeling! Thank God you and your little one are all right. I'm praying for you both!
