Wednesday, March 21, 2007

This has been a long week. I am amazed to find myself telling people that it's also been a good one.

It's been a week of throwing myself at the mercy of Jesus, knowing it isn't of my own merit that I can even ask for blessing, prosperity, or life-- and discovering that His mercy is greater than I expect it to be.

It's been a week of being confronted by 2 outcomes on several occasions; a week of commanding my soul to know peace and joy regardless of what lies ahead.

It's also been a week of being confronted by 2 outcomes on several occasions and feeling unspeakably blessed after each confrontation.

Thank you for praying for us.

"God Who Saves" by Caedmon's Call

There is life in the blood of the Lamb who was slain

There is power, there is power in His name

There is love pouring out of the wounds that were made

Pouring out, pouring over our shame

So praise the God who saves

Praise the God who bled

Praise the God who was nailed to a tree

And wore our sins upon His head

There is truth in His body, raised that third day

There is joy in a stone rolled away

There is hope pouring out of the tomb where He lay

Pouring out, pouring over the grave

For He lives that we too might live

And He loves that we might also love

And know the glory of God above

P.S. Do you know I've seen my baby twice and heard his/her heartbeat 4 times in a week??? Now that's blessed.

::Edit:: a more detailed update on what's going on with the baby and me
    My hematoma (the hemorrhage on the maternal side of the placenta) is about 8cm. At first I thought, "8cm?! That's nothing!" But then I found out that 8cm is actually considered to be on the small side of large, if that makes sense. (To put it into perspective, that's bigger than the baby is.)
    With each day beyond the first trimester I get (according to ultrasounds, I am 12w, 6d), the chances of a late miscarriage drop and the likelihood of my body healing increases. Also on my side is my age, since a newer body heals itself more readily than an older one.
    The bleeding I've been experiencing is most likely some of the pooling blood (the hematoma) being expelled and is not necessarily because of further tearing of the placenta. I didn't get another ultrasound today so we don't know for sure if there's been more tearing or not, but since the baby's heartbeat continues to hold around 160 beats/minute, we can safely assume that even if there has been recent tearing, it's been minimal enough that it hasn't affected the baby. The continued expelling of blood does, unfortunately, indicate that the hematoma is not being re-absorbed into my body. This means the placenta is continuing to hemorrhage, though just in the area it tore previously and not a new area-- which is definitely better than continued tearing but still not great, if that makes sense.
    In about 3 weeks, I will see my doctor again and she'll have me get another ultrasound to check the size of the hematoma. Hopefully it will have been at least somewhat, if not completely, absorbed. If by the 3rd trimester there is no trace of it left, the pregnancy will most likely go on to be completely normal.
    If the hematoma doesn't re-absorb at all and/or leaves a scar on the placenta, placental functions will be hindered and there will be a significant chance of IUGR (intrauterine growth retardation) and/or pre-term labor.

    ... How's that for a biology lesson?!


  1. With tears streaming down my face I am rejoicing with you and praising God. 
    Is there any update on the condition of the placenta or the bleeding?  How are our prayers best directed right now? 
    If you ever want to me!  I would love to chat with you.

  2. I am relieved and thanking God for protecting the baby.  I will continue to pray for all six of you.

  3. Why don't we just pray right now, that generational curses don't have to affect you and placental problems your mother had do NOT have to happen to you, in Jesus name.  Even if hers eventually had a good outcome, it still doesn't need to  happen to you in the first place. God protected you in even letting you know that you were pregnant when you had no clue, and prevented you from having harmful antibiotics when you didn't even know you were pregnant yet.  I pray you would be protected from lies of doubt.  That your faith and heart would stay strong in Jesus.  And that you would be completely free of fear.  And I pray God would continue to heal and protect this baby and give you and Daniel his/her name. 
    You've got a great husband and family and I'm glad he has this week off to be with you, even though we miss you here.   Thanks for being such a blessing to me, I hope I can bless you.

  4. So glad to hear that you heard the heartbeat. What a sweet sound! I am praying for placental healing. I know first hand how and what to pray for!

  5. Thank you!

    I wish we all were not so familiar with things like IUGR and 1st trimester bleeding, but since we are, we are also familiar with God's grace in these situations.

    I know I'm not there to see firsthand, but from a distance, my perception is that He must be pleased by your response. (I say this not simply because Baby Paladin continues to do well, but because of what I'm seeing in your attitude and how you are choosing to address your circumstances.)

  6. My comment was going to be very similar to the one above.  In one sense, I wish we didn't know what IUGR and pre-term labor really meant but like Michelle said, we definitely know how to pray against such things. 
    And that we will continue to do.
    And I also must agree with Stacie's last paragraph.  I know how hard it is to have peace and feel blessed at a time like this so keep it up.  Unfortunately I spent a whole month doing nothing but worrying and would not recommend it!

  7. Love the heartbeat sound.... amazing....
    How are the other children? Are they noticing any extra "stuff" happening? I am praying for Peace for them and for a sensitivity to the Holy Spirit in your home.

  8. A friend of mine had this happen to her, and her baby did suffer IURG.  She got bi-weekly ultrasounds and waited as long as they could.  It came to the point that the baby wasn't growing at all and it'd be safer to take her out early.  After a failed induction she opted for an elective cesarean.  Baby was born I think at 34wks?  Not sure, but was 4lbs.  Baby spent some time in the hospital but eventually came home, and from what I recall they've not had any trouble since and are thoroughly enjoying their happy, healthy 19mo old.

  9. I am assuming you will continue to be under restricted activity. I will pray that, while you might not be up and about and busy, you remain busy in mind and spirit so the enemy cannot get a foothold and start you worrying. (Not that I would have any experience with that, mind you.) As your friends have said, from your posts you seem to be keeping your focus where it belongs, on Him. Thanks for the biology lesson.

  10. hahaha...I absolutely loved it! right up my ally and definitely yours as well. one benefit of all of this is that you've got knowledge, wisdom and faith that will help many other women if they have questions! You certainly know your stuff :) I'm praying for you and the family!

  11. 30 years of marriage and 24 years of being a mother and one thing I know is that what the doctors say is one thing and what God has to say is another.  No prognosis is prophetic.

  12. How are you? Just wanted to check in.

  13. Thanks for the details on the medical condition.  I did not know much about the definition of the terms, the prognosis, etc.  How are you today?  We are still praying earnestly.
