Monday, March 5, 2007

:: the kids
Bronwyn and Jackson are sitting side-by-side in the family room. The classic Charlotte's Web has just begun. A chubby sister arm reaches out to snuggle her little brother close. He'll sit and watch for a few minutes-- maybe even lean his head on her shoulder for a moment or two-- before climbing down to explore until bedtime. Exploring looks a lot like wandering about in a stupor when you're a 1-year-old, tired from a long day of following older siblings around and still rather unstable in your walking.

Gabriel is sleeping over at Uncle Merrick's house. I haven't a doubt about whether or not he's enjoying himself. (Upon waking up on his birthday, he declared that the only thing he really wanted was to play with Uncle Merrick by himself "for a long time.")

:: me
This afternoon was my first prenatal visit. I'd forgotten how long that first appointment takes.

The doctor thinks my personally estimated due date is probably pretty accurate, so now there are two of us expecting the ultrasound next week to simply confirm early October. I'm glad, since we don't have any October birthdays in our family. And, based on my past record of going late (even if only a couple days), I think Daniel and I will even be able to get in an anniversary dinner or something before baby #4 makes his/her appearance. Not that I mind the possibility of having a newborn along-- I'd just rather be doing something more fun than actually laboring/delivering to celebrate 6 years.

:: my husband
Daniel is exhausted from a busy and wonderful weekend. He plans on cutting short his time at the ESL class tonight. The class runs from 6:30-10pm, but he's hoping to be heading home around 8pm or so. I think our guest ministry must have really worn him out!

:: our home
My refrigerator is packed with leftovers from all sorts of meals-- some made by me, more made by others. I love this moment in the cycle of food, since it means lots of leftovers and little cooking this week. (I really do like cooking, just not during my first trimester of pregnancy.) I'm not sure my family appreciates a week like this quite as much as I do, of course-- but then again, when the alternative is PB&J with PB they don't even really like (due to Peter Pan's problems of late), they probably don't mind too much.

I caught up on the laundry on Saturday. It felt so good to have everything clean, folded, and put away. Two days later, I could already wash a load or two (it would be more if it wasn't for my wonderfully-huge front loader) if I had the motivation. But I don't. So the laundry will wait until tomorrow.

There are 2 decorative wall shelves still waiting to be hung in the family room. I bought them well over 2 months ago. Unfortunately, Daniel's drill broke a while back and hasn't yet been replaced. Eventually... eventually.

The number of ladybugs in our house considering the single-digit weather we've been mostly experiencing (how do they even exist this time of year?!) is astounding and annoying to me. They particularly like the children's bedroom and the kitchen, which-- if I had to choose-- would be the rooms I would least like ladybugs crawling around in. At least they're good motivation to vacuum often.

:: a recent reminder
Experience ought never define my theology. That's what the Bible is for.

Standing solely on the Word is how faith exists and grows.

I want greater faith-- for myself, for my family, for the Church, for the lost.


  1. Your description of a one year old exploring was great! I saw my own 1 year old very clearly, reading that ;)

  2. i love your entries.  they make me happy.

  3. It is funny to hear someone say that they're "drill" is broken. Like, being married to the man that I am, I guess I never realized that "drill" can be singular, as we have one practically in every room. As I read it- I'm thinking, "Well, why doesn't he just go get the one from his bedroom closet, or from his son's toolbox (yes, Timothy has a full-sized drill- IN A CASE!) or one of the extras from the basement or garage." We are just all so different, aren't we?

  4. I have to admit, the broken drill thing took a minute for me to understand as well. If a drill breaks in this house and there isn't already a back-up, it is grounds for an immediate trip to Lowes for a replacement.

  5. yeah-i hate the ladybugs. they are most annoying and ever so difficult to get rid of. yuck. funny about jack true. i think matthew gets that way. glad you have leftovers in your fridge. i never enjoy cooking 1st trimester either, though i don't have the puking problem. i just feel like puking, but it never gets to that pt, thank God. i was thinking one time..why do people just get meals after the baby is born-why not during that 1st trimester, or the end when you are wiped out.. so cool. Jif is a good replacement for peter pan. and last but not least, yea for the ultrasound-woo-woo!!!! that is always my fave part-that and the heart beat. :)

  6. Brietta,

    Kids are so great and fascinating. Jack sounds like he is getting to be a big man too! That must be great seeing how each one is different. I think that the second child learns from the first and the third learns from both, and so I correct? I look at Jack and see that he does so much more than even Hayla, I guess I have no other kids for her to have cuddled with though. That would be cute.
    So I am glad that things are going a little better with being sick and your able to get more done now. Life is good.
    I was wondering are you going to home teach? That is such a silly question because right now as parents we technically are once our kids are born. We are always teaching! We are going to home teach (I like to call it life learning) as well but my family gives me grief about it and worry about the socialization aspect more than the ability to learn more when your home taught, so what would you say? I mean I have given them the info I know and about how they will be able to socialize with people of every age group and not just their own. They still say, "Well they need to be around kids of their own age." I just feel like saying, "What do you think siblings are for?" So if you have any ideas that could help up life me, that would be awesome. I know your family is great with that area. I think I will be talking to my mother-in-law as well because she was public schooled like me and had to decide for herself to home teach. I thought you could help too though. Sorry this is so long again.


  7. I love the image of them watching a movie.  Ashlyn does the same thing to Austin -puts her arm around his neck and pulls him over.  She loves to cuddle too and Austin seems to be her favorite to do that with -when they are not wrestling that is! 
    Ladybugs... my FIL's house always has a ton of them in the winter -so strange the timing.  I cant remember what we did to lessen the number... will let you know if I remember!  I do remember lots and lots of vacuuming as well! 

  8. speaking of your anniversary...I don't think I've ever seen pictures of your wedding!

  9. Such a sweet mental picture of Bronwyn and Jack...

    The "5" definitely seems way too old to be less than a year. (I can see why you've opted out of the numbers on your tickers. =)
