Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter 2010

This was an amazing Easter.

I mean, they're all amazing.

But this one... there was just something about it. The weather was idyllic. The pace was enjoyable. The friends and family and church body nearby made it memorable. The children were adorable. The price tag was extremely manageable (lovely hand-me-downs = virtually no expenses for new spring clothes!).

And it's Easter: the day we celebrate the victory purchased on our behalf by an amazing and risen Savior.

What's not to love????

Easter 2010
Claire's first Easter basket!

Easter 2010
She liked the paper "grass" inside it best

Easter 2010
Rather pulled-together looking, considering the fact that Jackson's outfit met with disaster before this photo was taken

Easter 2010
You think my children like to eat? Hahaha

Easter 2010
The gang at 1942


  1. GREAT family pic, both of them I guess!

  2. Great pictures! Happy Easter to you and yours!

  3. Fantastic!  He is ALIVE!  Amen.  I love the pictures of Claire too - so sweet!
