Monday, February 1, 2010

1/4 of a year



That was Claire's first three months flying by. Gone. Over.


I love the emerging personality, the added rolls and dimples, the baby giggles, the interaction, the way she tucks her bottom lip in and slurps away on it (!)... I even love the real tears she now cries. But I just honestly, for real, break-my-heart can't believe the newborn days are done.


Claire looks more and more like a red-headed Bronwyn to me. Her disposition as an infant reminds me the most of Bronwyn, too: she's generally pleasant, sleeps decently, adores a smiling face, and does okay with self-soothing in those moments when I just can't get to her right away.


And, oh! is this girl fat! She's mushy and smooshy and almost edible in her chubbiness!

I. love. it.


Happy first three months, baby girl. You are a delight to this mama's heart.

Just please, please, please stop growing now?


  1. wow, that did fly by..........  Another adorable Paladin baby!

  2. Such great photos. Her eyes are so sparkly, and I can just imagine they way they have totally captured your heart. Can't wait to know her personality!

  3. I love the pictures!  She is growing fast.

  4. I can't BELIEVE our babies are this old!! Well Liam is 2 weeks shy, but still, I feel like we were JUST pregnant with them! Don't you?? My how time does fly.

  5. She is just so sweet! And those baby cheeks!

  6. Adorable!  You're right - she does resemble Bronwyn.  I love her squishiness!  Give here an extra squeeze from me.

  7. Brietta, she is adorable! In the third picture down I think she looks a whole lot like Danica's son William! 

  8. Looking at your profile pic, Aubrey is so small.  Can Claire really already be 3 months?  I'd like to see a new profile pic with her chubbiness squeezed in!  Cute!

  9. @MrsRYoung - I know!  It seems like just yesterday that Aubrey was the baby...And you're right: I really do need new photos!  I've gotten so frustrated with my own camera that I've practically stopped using it-- but mediocre photos are better than no photos, so I really need to get back to it.  Maybe we'll try for a new one tomorrow, though no guarantees as to whether or not I can squeeze yet another face in a photo like my current profile photo!!!!
