Thursday, February 25, 2010


Seven years ago, I was in the throes of labor. I'd felt the first painful pangs of birth about 35 hours earlier, and what I didn't know then, thank goodness, was that I had another 16 hours still ahead of me.


I had an amazing team of support during those long and grueling days: a mom who held my hand and told me over and over that I was made for this; a husband who rubbed my back and prayed for me; midwives who made plans and ran interference in order to get me the natural birth I wanted, pulled my hair back from my face as I threw up over and over and over again, and smiled when it seemed impossible to smile.

And I had the anticipation of holding my first baby!

Daniel still says it was amazing to watch Gabriel come into the world. After hours of labor, the tears and the groans were in an instant replaced with indescribable joy.


At 10:56pm on February 26th, I had a son. A beautiful, healthy son!


I was a mother. Our journey together had begun.

And I can't believe it's been seven years since that day!


Happy 7th Birthday to a talented, conscientious, and sincere young man. We love you more than words could ever say, Gabriel-Bones!


  1. Okay, please do not say that your son is seven. Please! That means my son will be seven in 5 short months! No! :) Now, what is Gabriel-Bones? haha.  Happy seventh (gasp) birthday, Gabriel!

  2. Happy Birthday!  Time flys.  Praise God for such a wonderful young man!
