Sunday, February 28, 2010

4 Months

As if Gabriel turning seven just days ago wasn't enough of a reminder that the days are slipping like sand through my fingers, our littlest princess hit another milestone today. That's right: it's been four months since Claire came into the world, a beautiful and unique miracle that captured our hearts.

(Of course, I was initially told that she was a he, but ask Daniel about that story some other time!)

Claire is, ohmyword, such a joy.

She melts me daily with her happy and [generally] contented disposition.
She naps, which feels like a miracle on the heels of Aubrey's nap-resistant infancy.
She doesn't coo at us: she blows raspberries at us. Cracks. me. up.
She smiles all the time. No, really: all the time.
She has the fattest, most delicious thighs in the world. Not that I've actually eaten them, of course. I just know, is all.


If Claire's first four months are any indication of the joy she will bring to others, I'd say this girl is going to bless the socks off lots and lots of people in her lifetime!


  1. She is just too cute. Look as those big bright eyes!!!

  2. Wow!  She sure is looking older, and so very cute.

  3. When I read this I was shocked that Gabriel was turning 7.  Wow...where did the time go?!  Kevin mentioned the other day that it didn't hit him how "old" we're all getting until we saw the 16 year old sing on American Idol and the comment was made that it would be like if Trenton were up on stage!  Seeing this post made me think of when we all were around Gabriel's age and played house together!

  4. She's so beautiful and getting SO big!  Can you ask her not to grow too much more until I get to meet her in June?
