Wednesday, February 16, 2011

New Things

1. New Rugs

Discovering and refurbishing the wide plank floors throughout our downstairs set me up for a task which I've never really previously encountered (thanks to homes up until now that have wall-to-wall carpeting): picking out area rugs.

Seems like a simple enough thing to do, right?

It is.

Until you factor in price limitations, picky tastes (me-- I realized in this process that while I like a lot of rugs, I don't love very many), a desire to make sure the wood is still the prominent focal point in the house (husband), and extremely limited local shopping.

Please tell me it's stressful for everyone to try to figure out just exactly what colors are in a rug based on a computerized image and not just me. Blah.

However, after weeks and weeks of agonizing, putting masking tape on the floors to ascertain what sizes would be right, garnering the input and feedback of my altogether gracious sisters and friends and mom, and hunting for the best prices, I found two rugs on ebay.

I am so happy with them.

And honestly? The work of it all makes the satisfaction that much more complete.




2. New Vehicle

Our van has been dying a slow and painful death for about a year.

Then, in December, our mechanic couldn't even wink when he passed it for inspection. He told us straight-up that we needed to replace it ASAP-- and not to bother even giving it to anyone when we were done with it, because it wouldn't be a blessing to a single soul. The body of the van was literally rusting and disintegrating around the engine and, well, what good is an engine with another 100,000 miles left if there isn't anything left for it to motor?

Fortunately, thanks to the slow aspect of its death, we saw it coming and have been saving up for its replacement. The goal has been a vehicle with more seating, as well as something in sound condition.

At the beginning of the month, a vehicle was practically dropped in our lap. Within about a week, we had our mechanic check it out and give it a thumbs-up, transferred the title, bought new tires and did a couple repairs that were needed, and pulled it into our driveway.

Good thing, too, since Daniel sold our van to a junk yard for parts and scrap metal days beforehand.

Introducing the 9-passenger suburban:

(This isn't actually ours. Every time I think to take a picture, it's not here in the driveway because Daniel has it. We're in the process of downsizing to a one-car family, but that's another story. And, from what I can tell, this truck gives a pretty good idea of what we're now sporting, right down to the khaki trim.)

3. New Lamp

This isn't nearly as exciting as a new vehicle to some of you, but if you're like me, you don't really care a whit about the car you're driving as long as you can count on it to get you from Point A to Point B. At which point, lamps really are more exciting.

Especially when they come as pretty as this one and with a price tag of only $20.

I've needed a lamp for my nightstand for a while now. I didn't really have a plan for getting one and wasn't even looking.

Sometimes I think God puts these deals around just to remind me that He sees every little detail of our lives and cares that much.

Thanks, God.



  1. I like the new lamp. I like the picture on the table even more!

  2. What a fun update!! The rugs are gorgeous. I love them. They add so much character to the room while NOT distracting from the beautiful flooring. Way to go on the suburban! I'm sure it's so reassuring to have a safe and reliable vehicle again.

  3. awesome! we are waiting on our suburban. we need a bigger vehicle for when the baby comes! ours will be blue, arent they nice! they are so big and give all the kids room!! 

  4. Oh man, can you and your mom and sisters give their tips and advice for me and my own rug endeavors or lack thereof for the VERY reasons you mentioned!?!? I know how you feel/felt. I agonize as well! It's  pathetic! I like what I see others have come up with, but when I have to decide for ME and my own I said it's pathetic. Lo and behold we STILL have a rug that needs to replaced, though not too big like you said (husbands!). I didn't think to look on ebay. I have just agonized on Can I ask why you didn't go that route? Tips please. Car-awesome! Lamp- WAY MORE awesome! ;) T.J's? :)

  5. The rugs look great. I also have a hard time deciding on home interior things, which is why I do not think I would every like to build a house. Having to make all those decisions at one time might do me in, I'd rather remodel and think about each room individually. The vehicle will be so nice for your growing family, although the bill when you fill it up won't be too very fun. We took our big ol' van up north this weekend and gulped when it cost nearly $100 to fill up. Yikes! It is such a blessing that you are able to walk to visit family and many friends, as well as be so close to Daniel's work, so it shouldn't be too bad.
    I REALLY like the lamp, I may have to look at our TJ's.

  6. @ReneeOckrin - Well, after scouring overstock for about 2 months and literally not finding anything I really loved, I realized I needed to look elsewhere.  I started checking out "real" online stores to see which places sold rugs I liked best, and then once I narrowed it down (ie. I don't really like crate & barrel rugs, but I do like pottery barn rugs-- and so forth), I started browsing for the make & size rugs that I like on ebay.  I found some and then started keeping an eye on them as they would pop up for sale so that I knew the average price they were selling for and what was a good deal.  I was able to get 2 rugs I really liked-- and for much cheaper, too-- that way.@mom2mkei_2 - The tank on this puppy is huge!  About 45 gallons.  The good thing is that, like you said, with our lifestyle, it seems like that will last about a month (or more).  Also, having grown up with 15-passenger vans has prepared me well: the fact that this gets better mileage than my family's vans did makes it a bit easier to bear!   On top of that, our insurance has gone down, so that helps.  But it is a big investment no matter how you look at it.  I guess there's a reason nobody ever says having kids is cheap!  P.S. The lamp was in the clearance section because it has a [very] little scratch on one side. Hopefully your TJ's has some lamps, too, and that wasn't just a fluke because of the damage.@krinabeanz - Me, too!

  7. So the Waterfront TJMAxx has been getting in so much furniture and so many rugs lately!  There was a really nice couch for 350.00 last week and it went in a flash.  I saw a rug I definitely did love there, but we're not there yet so I had to let it go and it disappeared too.  (I was crossing my fingers for clearance!)
    I feel like I see a lot of newer, more formal furniture!?  Where's it all from?  More cool places you found those too?
    I find it kind of crazy that you guys, Matt & Sarah, Tim & Shell, and us all needed a vehicle within a month of each other.  We're the last holdouts and it's making me sweat just thinking about it.  We've been told multiple times that our van will die at any given moment, that it's hardly safe to drive, and that it needs 2-3x the amount in work that it's actually worth so the time has come.
    I also love the lamp! I'm looking for a blue, beachy looking one for our bedroom, so I've been stalking TJMaxx/Marshalls clearance too!

  8. Wow how exciting! I have been wondering what kind of new car you guys have. I LOVE the rugs and lamp too. I'm quite picky about rugs myself. My favorite place to shop is Where did you get that lamp?

  9. @High_Note - @brietta - I think we all bought our vans the same year too. I guess it makes sense that with the vans being 9-10 years old that it's time to start replacing them. Tim filled our tank the other night (it was on E) and with our fuel perks it only cost $64. I think that if we didn't have money off and it was a little below empty we'd be looking at around $75 so it was much better than I had anticipated. My friend just bought a Ford excursion and it cost her $105 to fill up. I'm not sure how many gallons our gas tank is though. Tim thought it was a 30 gallon. Bri-is your front row a bench making it seat 9?

  10. @MelissaLange - TJMaxx.  I love that you never know what you'll find when you go there!@michelleross - Yep, front bench.  So it's 3 rows of 3 seats.  I don't know that we'd want to use that 9th seat a ton, but it's nice to have that option, you know?
