Friday, October 1, 2010

One more

This is the last month before we get to counting by years with Claire.

Aubrey's 3rd birthday

Her personality is emerging more each and every day. Amazing!

Aubrey's 3rd birthday

She's as chubby and squishy as ever, and we love it.

Aubrey's 3rd birthday

It's true that we're having some battles of the wills these days, but mostly, we just laugh a lot together. 'Cause, boy, when this girl is rested she sure does love to play and laugh! (It's just getting the "rested" part taken care of that we sometimes struggle over.)

Aubrey's 3rd birthday

I love that I get to be with her everyday, celebrating each milestone!


  1. So sweet!  She is looking SO grown up here!  This pics look just like a blend of Bronwyn and Jack!  So sweet!  
