Monday, September 27, 2010

What I have

I woke up this morning and I felt grumpy.
I guess I had a real-deal case of the Monday blues.
I wasn't too excited about digging into the school books with the kids. Or washing & drying bedsheets. Or baking bread. Or making the phone calls I've been putting off. Or, or, or.
Without realizing it, I was rehearsing the reasons why I should be allowed to feel grumpy.
You know, like not having slept through the night in... oh... about eight years.

But how foolish I was/am.

I am so very very very VERY blessed.

Of course I feel miserable if I only think about what I'm not getting.
(Like sleep. Which is overrated, by the way.)
But what about what I do have?

What about the five beautiful children who call me Mama?
Even those middle-of-the-night calls are precious in their own way.

It's not just work this house represents.
It's a home, a haven, a resting place.

And my husband? He's not just a man who wants his dinner at the end of the day.
He takes care of me. He loves me. He constantly puts me before himself.

That washer that is costing us money to repair?
We have the money to repair it, and I am thankful!

Homeschooling requires something of me, sure. But I get a whole lot from it.
Do you know that Bronwyn exclaimed, "I love it!" when I read Daybreak by Longfellow aloud to her?

So I didn't get a shower until after dinner today.
I got hugs and kisses from my children. I had more help from Daniel than he really had time to give.

Best of all, I have salvation.
A beautiful, perfect gift from God.

I am so rich. And I have no right to be grumpy about anything!


  1. 8 years! Love it. So funny, so true. Though I'm not up to 8. So very thankful for His grace. I'm seeing those sleepless nights and endless days reveal that in ways I'd never probably experience otherwise. Now that makes me thankful for no sleep!

  2. I woke up feeling a bit grumpy today too. Thanks for the reminder to count my blessings!
