Thursday, September 23, 2010

The main thing

Lately I've been thinking lots about what I am known for. Not in a prideful sense (I hope!), but in a convicted examination sense. Even when I forget about it, the thought pops back into my head it seems every time I hear someone break open the Word and share. I wonder: do people think Jesus when they think of me?

You see, I live out my walk with Christ in practical ways. This is right and good. But it's so easy to make these out-workings the main things. The truth is, when I come to mind, it would be easy to think Mom or Homemaking or Homeschooling or Tidy or Frugal or whatever. None of those things are evil or wicked. Indeed, they are all part of who I am and how the Lord has asked me to live.

But they aren't the Main Thing.

I think of my dad's sermon several months ago when he helped us see that the apostle Paul, in the book of Philippians, could have identified himself as apostle, leader, church father, etc.; but instead, he identified himself as a bond servant of Christ. Loving and serving Jesus... that was what mattered to him.

At the Blueprint Conference we hosted at our church this past weekend, I found myself thinking about what my children might define me as. Sure, I am Mother to them. I'm the one who does their laundry, teaches them their sums, cooks their dinner, and reminds them to do their chores. But in the end, I want them to see me and know me as one who loves Jesus. A sinner saved by grace who wants nothing more than to pour herself out for Him.

There are so many soap boxes out there and I've got my fair share.

I want to keep Jesus in His rightful place.
In my heart. In my home. In my life.

He's the Main Thing.